Tara Haelle, Contributor

Author's posts

Pregnancy In The Time Of Coronavirus: What To Know And Ask

While scientists are still trying to learn more about COVID-19 during pregnancy, there are steps you can take to protect yourself and prepare for a safe birth.

More Testing Needed: Most Coronavirus Cases Come From People Unaware They’re Infected

In China before widespread testing, 86% of COVID-19 cases came from people who didn’t know they had been infected with the coronavirus.

Severe Coronavirus Risk Higher In Babies, Lower In Kids, Study Finds

School-age children and teens appear to have the lowest risk of severe illness, but infants under 1 year old have higher risks.

Talking To Your Kids About Coronavirus And Social Distancing

Parenting in the time of coronavirus is tough. Talking to your kids openly, empathizing with them and creating a schedule can help.

Hand Washing Becomes Fun With The #20secondchallenge And #washyourlyrics

Looking for fun ways to practice and teach hand washing? Try the #20second challenge, or set your hand washing instructions to your favorite song with Wash Your Lyrics.

101+ Ideas To Keep Your Kids Busy During Coronavirus Closures

Running out of rainy day ideas? This list can keep your children occupied for weeks at home.

How To Convince Your Parents They Should Take COVID-19 Seriously

Your parents are active, proud members of society, but numbers don’t lie. Their age puts them at risk. Here’s how to help them realize that.

Why Everything Is Closing For Coronavirus: It’s Called ‘Flattening The Curve’

Why are there so many closings and cancellations with fewer than 2,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases? Because public health officials know what’s coming.

Only Warren, Klobuchar And Biden Have Plans For A Coronavirus Response

Only Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Joe Biden actually presented plans for how they would handle the outbreak, and unsurprisingly, given her brand, Warren’s is the most involved.

No, You DO NOT Need Face Masks For Coronavirus—They Might Increase Your Infection Risk

It sounds mundane, but washing your hands frequently and not touching your face goes a lot further to protect you than wearing a mask.