Tara Haelle, Contributor

Author's posts

No, You DO NOT Need Face Masks For Coronavirus—They Might Increase Your Infection Risk

It sounds mundane, but washing your hands frequently and not touching your face goes a lot further to protect you than wearing a mask.

COVID-19: Would A Coronavirus By Any Other Name Seem Less Scary?

The name had to be pronounceable and descriptive but not “refer to a geographical location, an animal, an individual or group of people,” according to the World Health Organization.

‘Wild West Of Wheeled Transportation’: E-Scooter Injuries Increasing Without Regulation

As the popularity of e-scooters rapidly increases, the injuries resulting from them is rapidly rising as well.

Can Any Doctor Ethically Work In A U.S. Immigration Detention Facility?

Given recent decisions by federal immigration authorities and reports of poor conditions in detention facilities, how can any physician currently provide ethical care in these centers?

Blood Transfusion Reactions Twice As Common In Postpartum Women

Though reactions from blood transfusions are very rare, the risk is heightened for pregnant and postpartum women receiving transfusions.

Just One HPV Vaccine Dose May Be Enough To Prevent Several Cancers

Immunization recommendations across the world advise two or three doses of the HPV vaccine, but emerging evidence indicates that one dose may be just as protective.

Updated HPV Vaccine Recommendations Follow Big HPV Infection Drops Shown In New Study

Substantial declines in HPV-related infections and genital warts have led to an expansion in recommendations for the vaccine.

‘Dr. Bob’ Sears Accused Of Issuing Invalid Vaccine Medical Exemptions–Again

Dr. Bob Sears is at it again: He’s accused of writing bogus vaccination medical exemptions less than a year after censure from Medical Board of California for the same thing.

Measles Elimination In Jeopardy: Could The Disease Go From Visitor To Resident?

Despite having eliminated measles in the year 2000, the US is dangerously close to seeing full-fledged re-emergence of the disease if current outbreaks aren’t contained.

Quit Smoking For Good? There’s An App For That–With Real Evidence Behind It

Even six months after uninstalling the app, quit rates of former smokers were higher for those who used CureApp than those who had a sham version of the app.