<span itemprop="author">The Podcast by KevinMD

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Fund this: Policies can fill medical funding gaps for all [PODCAST]

This episode is sponsored by Athelas, the number one provider of remote patient monitoring. “Instead of trying to earn a spot on a talk show to help a person dealing with costly treatments for illness, perhaps it is best to lobby policymakers to …

Autism spectrum disorder and the masks we wear [PODCAST]

This episode is sponsored by Athelas, the number one provider of remote patient monitoring. “In the ongoing saga of the pandemic, there is the debate whether to wear a mask or not. These are physical masks that temporarily hide our face, but we a…

Why is Covaxin not in the FDA’s toolbox? [PODCAST]

This episode is sponsored by Athelas, the number one provider of remote patient monitoring. “As a clinician who has received two Pfizer doses and a booster without any side effects, I wholeheartedly embrace vaccination to solve this pressing publ…

Physician informatics and the chief medical information officer [PODCAST]

This episode is sponsored by Athelas, the number one provider of remote patient monitoring. “At the beginning of my time as a CMIO, I needed to remain clinical to build camaraderie with my colleagues. This proved essential as the health system wa…

Never underestimate the self-flagellation of the physician [PODCAST]

This episode is sponsored by Athelas, the number one provider of remote patient monitoring. “Patients die. This is a tragic truism in the world of medicine. Usually, the patients who die are elderly. Patients die from diabetes and kidney disease,…

Can medicine transcend beyond the clinic walls? [PODCAST]

“Absolutely, there are times when you need to be face-to-face with your patient. Yet looking at the broader picture, COVID-19 has shown us that in many instances, we can perform at an optimal level while remote. In my experience, I’m often able t…

Health care’s goal is in peril [PODCAST]

“The U.S. health care industry has large challenges that can be overcome if we remember why our systems and services exist. We are here to help patients, and we must obtain the needed staffing capacity to drive throughput so patients can receive …

Innovation in a rural gastroenterology practice using a farm [PODCAST]

“Gastroenterology clinics in rural areas have the unique opportunity to innovate the field by working with local community organizations and farms. Patients and physicians develop a deeper understanding of the root cause for chronic disease, part…

Why and how to get a second opinion [PODCAST]

“In the end, the patient-physician relationship is crucial to overall decision-making for any plan of care, treatment, or surgery. There are many variations in the reviewed studies in health care literature as to the cost-effectiveness of second …

What shared journeys to the afterlife teach about dying well and living better [PODCAST]

“The more I spoke with individuals who had experienced a shared crossing event, the more I also noticed repeating patterns. A woman in West Virginia and a woman in Australia with deeply similar experiences around the loss of a baby. A grown daugh…