<span itemprop="author">The Podcast by KevinMD

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Superheroes can have disabilities, too [PODCAST]

“Today, more students are disclosing and speaking out about their disability and how their disability is an asset to their way of learning and what they can bring to their field. Across college campuses, more student-led organizations are forming…

What medicine can learn from the antiwork movement [PODCAST]

“The classic thinking has always been that a career in medicine is more than just a job; it is a passion, a calling, an anchor of identity. There is a pervasive stigma in medicine against the self-advocacy of the worker. Bedside care providers wh…

Our patients become an inextricable part of our lives [PODCAST]

“The weekend after Isabelle’s discharge, I take my shoes outside onto the driveway. The sky is a brilliant blue, and green tinges of leaves poke through shells of buds; the wind slips through my fleece. I scrub the spots of blood with an antibact…

How to end the misinformation pandemic [PODCAST]

“The way to do this is by recognizing the power of words. I don’t mean fervently declaring one’s position and arguing why those who disagree are wrong. There has been way too much of this, and health professionals are no exception. Rather what’s …

Stress: Is it time to expose the alcohol con? [PODCAST]

“Stress is just part of the alcohol con trick. And the truth is that every benefit we have ever imagined alcohol giving us it doesn’t. It is a drug, and it works the same way as all other drugs. Many of my clients are doctors and nurses, and some…

Crowdfunding to pay health bills [PODCAST]

  “Crowdfunding models of paying for health care maximize the probability that all members’ eligible bills will be paid in full each month. These models come without the burdens of skyrocketing premiums and deductibles. Unlike traditional mo…

Is direct primary care the answer to insurance-based problems? [PODCAST]

“Virtually everyone understands the importance of major medical insurance as it relates to unexpected high-dollar care for severe injuries and significant medical conditions, but the value equation for health insurance is quite different when app…

How MRI-guided radiation therapy is changing the paradigm in pancreatic cancer [PODCAST]

“The data are remarkable and promising, though beyond the numbers is a bigger picture. Each data point represents a life – a mother, uncle, grandparent, loved one, friend. Technological advances in image guidance and therapeutic delivery are allo…

Anger toward the unvaccinated will only cause more harm [PODCAST]

“The unvaccinated patient is the addicted person, the overweight patient, the smoker in the waiting room. Our antipathy toward them endangers their health, maybe their lives. The unvaccinated will not be convinced with stigma. They will be convin…

Hello, health care organization leader, are you listening? [PODCAST]

“Physicians, nurses, advanced practice providers, medical assistants, and other health care workers are a finite resource. They don’t grow on trees. And, though we all seem to deny it, they are human. The physicians I coach often wonder what they…