Tommy Beer, Forbes Staff

Author's posts

CDC Says Possibly ‘Less Than Half’ Of Positive Antibody Tests Are Correct

The CDC has acknowledged that antibody tests used to determine if people have previously been infected with Covid-19 are not accurate enough to guide important policy decisions.

Poll: 60% Of US Adults Plan To Get Flu Vaccine, Now Pharmacies Are Preparing For A Rush

Fearful of a secondary wave of coronavirus infections coinciding with flu season, drugmakers and pharmacies are proactively preparing for a significant increase in demand for flu vaccinations this fall.

Organ Donations Have Decreased Significantly During Coronavirus Pandemic

Stay-at-home orders limiting Americans’ movement have dramatically reduced the incidence of fatal accidents, which has curtailed the supply of much-needed donor organs.

French Drugmaker Sparks Outrage In France By Asserting U.S. Would Receive Covid-19 Vaccine First

By indicating that the company planned to ship any Covid-19 vaccine it may develop to the United States before any other country, Sanofi’s CEO incensed French government officials on both sides of the aisle.