<span itemprop="author">Ton La, Jr., MD, JD

Author's posts

A veteran’s battle against possible lung cancer

During my night shift at the emergency department, I encountered a 72-year-old decorated war veteran named Mr. Sun. Accompanied by his concerned wife, he came to address a year-long struggle with fatigue and a non-productive cough he’d been exper…

A tale of two patients: one journey, two stories of courage

It was a busy night in the emergency department, as usual. I rushed from one patient to the next, trying to keep up with the constant stream of people coming in with various ailments and injuries. One patient, in particular, stood out to me that night….

From uncertainty to certainty: Finding the cause of seizures in a young patient

It was a Tuesday evening when I received a call from the emergency room that a young lady had been brought in after experiencing seizures. I quickly walked over to the ER, preparing myself for what was to come. As I walked through the entrance, I could…

Fighting for life: inside an emergency room during a medical crisis

The emergency room was bustling with activity as the medical staff worked to stabilize the patient, who was lying unconscious on a hospital bed. His wife sat anxiously by his side, tears streaming down her face. It wasn’t the first time 70-year-o…

From hope to heartbreak: a story of loss in the ICU

Ms. Laura was a vibrant and feisty lady with a personality that filled the room. She had been my patient two months ago when she was admitted for an irregular heartbeat and COPD exacerbation. She was a smoker, and despite her heart issues, she had a st…

My patient with an aortic dissection almost died

“I just moved here from Portland two weeks ago,” said Ms. Shelly in a weak voice. When I walked into the room, I immediately noticed her blood pressure was 224/108. The patient was mostly sleeping, but when I started speaking with her, it w…

The nicest patient I’ve ever met

The nicest patient I’ve ever met was Mr. Harris. I first met him in the ED with his son and daughter by his side, noticing a foley bag filled with bright red blood. He was an elderly gentleman with ALS and was brought by his children for hematuri…

Death is what gives life meaning

“He knew it was his time a month ago. We were sitting at the kitchen table, and he told me he couldn’t feel half his face. He kept tapping the left side and saying he couldn’t feel anything. I knew he had a stroke because my daughter …

A friendly battle with a patient’s potassium

“By God’s grace, Dr. Sal!” “Yes, T.J.! What’s the good news?” “Guess what Mr. Thompson’s potassium is now?” “3.1 …” “Wrong! 4.1!” We high-fived each other immediately and bre…

My patient left against medical advice

“Mr. Stenson left AMA …” “Why?” I said out loud to my attending. “He left with his IVs in …” said his nurse in disbelief. An hour earlier, before rounds, I sat down with Mr. S to talk about his anxiety at…