<span itemprop="author">Tracey O'Connell, MD

Author's posts

Legitimate vs. sham peer review (SPR): Is there a difference?

For an introduction to SPR, click here. For a history of SPR, click here.  When summoned for a peer review, how can you tell if it’s a sham? The biggest clue is whether the peer review process seems intended to help or harm you. If you feel since…

Sham peer review: Why is there no malpractice insurance for this?

It’s estimated that up to 10 percent of all peer reviews are “shams,” thus, it’s worth a few minutes of education so you’re not left grappling if you suspect you might be the target of one. As physicians, we purchase malpr…

The sham peer review: a hidden contributor to the doctor shortage

Imagine you’ve worked in a clinical environment for an extended period. You might be a resident or fellow getting ready to graduate, an attending who has been operating for years, or a full-fledged partner in private practice. As your morning ala…

Medical professional gaslighting: the lack of psychological safety in medicine

Toward the end of my third year of medical school, I was 25, newly married, and overwhelmed by responsibility. I hadn’t enjoyed the clinical rotations. The hours and the degree of human suffering were just too much. My husband and I fought about …