Will Stone

Author's posts

Mysterious Ailment, Mysterious Relief: Vaccines Help Some Covid Long Haulers

Scientists who study the post-illness syndrome are taking a close look at patients’ reports of this unexpected benefit of the vaccine.

Lessons From The COVID-19 Crisis: Overcrowding Hospitals Cost Lives

Researchers have quantified the price paid for fast-spreading COVID-19 infections. Patients who might have survived otherwise perished in crowded ICUs.

A Year Into the Pandemic, Three Huge Losses in One Family

The Aldaco family of Phoenix suffered more than most in this year of unfathomable losses. Three brothers perished in the pandemic: Jose in July, Heriberto in December and Gonzalo in February.

Digital Race For COVID -19 Vaccines Leaves Many Seniors Behind

Glitchy websites, jammed phone lines and long lines outside clinics are complicating the vaccine rollout. And older Americans and those without caregivers and computer skills are at a disadvantage.

‘Cruel’ Digital Race For Vaccines Leaves Many Seniors Behind

Glitchy websites, jammed phone lines and long lines outside clinics are commonplace as states expand who’s eligible to be vaccinated. The oldest Americans and those without caregivers and computer skills are at a distinct disadvantage.

The U.S. ‘Battles’ Coronavirus, But Is It Fair To Compare Pandemic To A War?

COVID-19 has now killed more Americans than WWII. That fact helps some people put the viral death toll in perspective, while others find it offensive. Historically, is it even a valid comparison?

As States Hustle To Distribute Vaccines, Big Business Offers A Boost Of Expertise

Large corporations such as Starbucks, Honeywell, Microsoft, Costco and Google want to help states with planning and logistics. But the potential of these partnerships is hindered by supply problems.

Big Business Boosts Vaccine Effort, but It’s ‘Complex Choreography’ to Get Shots in Arms 

Corporations like Starbucks, Honeywell, Microsoft, Costco and Google are lining up to help with vaccine logistics. But the problem of the moment is supply, not systems.

Yurts, Igloos and Pop-Up Domes: How Safe Is ‘Outside’ Restaurant Dining This Winter?

All kinds of new structures are popping up to extend the outdoor dining season. Some are safer than others.

On Trump’s Last Full Day, Nation Records 400,000 Covid Deaths

On the day before the inauguration of a new president, the country marks a once unthinkable milestone of 400,000 deaths. The winter surge of the pandemic claimed 100,000 Americans in just five weeks.