Category: Conditions

It is overwhelming hopelessness that crushes caregivers’ collective souls

I started my medical training in the late 1990s. This was after the AIDS epidemic; that is to say, by that time, the human immunodeficiency virus was known, and there were already proven treatments. So, for doctors of a certain age, this is the first t…

Orthopedic surgery enters the modern age on a chance observation

For thousands of years, bonesetters and doctors could not accurately diagnosis broken bones or differentiate such injuries from joint dislocations and torn ligaments. That changed with a chance discovery almost exactly 125 years ago. Subsequently, perh…

The need for on-demand access to medical technologies when treating COVID-19 patients

It’s well known that New York City was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring, having been the epicenter of U.S. cases for several weeks. As I write this, more than 245,000 of my fellow New Yorkers have been stricken, and an estimated one in t…

Female physician suicides: a silent pandemic

“Aunty blew her brains out a few weeks ago!” Words I shall never forget. For weeks, she had been in my thoughts. But I never called her. I didn’t because of all the myriad reasons we often give ourselves for not checking up on each other. In my case, t…

A physician at the precipice of the pandemic’s next wave

We sit silently on this precipice—my family, my friends, my colleagues.  Time spins. Momentum is building.  It is a tidal wave slowly moving towards us.  We are fixed in its path of raging destruction.  It is our enemy, not each other.  Each tick on th…

Advice from a psychiatrist during these unprecedented times

Unprecedented. How many times have we heard that word? Yet, here we balance between the life we knew and the life we long for with the deep, frightening chasm of the unknown strikingly in between. 2020 has not only been one for the history books; it ha…

This Lung Cancer Awareness Month is like no other

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month, a time when many people in my profession shine a spotlight on the dangers of taking lung health for granted. This year, few need the reminder. COVID-19 is deadly, contagious, and upending life as we know it. It …

Put your thank you into action: Wear masks correctly and avoid large gatherings

I have a video visit in the pulmonary clinic with one of my favorite patients. I ask her how she’s doing and wave to her husband sitting in the background of the living room where she is set up. Deborah says, “We’re good. We’re healthy. We are staying …

Why some health care workers refuse to mask and how we can fix it

If you’re in health care, chances are you’ve heard one of these statements: “Masking doesn’t work.” “We’re all going to get COVID, so why mask?” Another is “COVID is just like the flu.”  Or you’ve even heard, “Those people who died of COVID would have …

Scared to death and learning to trust

Cardiologists with national reputations were available at a hospital just an hour away. I had connections there and could get what I was sure would be better care for my mother than she would receive in the small hospital where she had been taken follo…