Category: COVID

Don’t be anti-vax in name only

The following article is satire. “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and than…

Attack COVID like the terrorist it is

More than 1,100 in the U.S. are still dying every day from COVID-19. Every three days, we are losing more Americans than the number that died on 9/11. Just because we don’t see it sneaking up on our families does not mean the COVID terrorist is d…

My frustration pot has overflowed

I wake up feeling exhausted. This seemingly never-ending nightmare of mutating coronavirus keeps sucking the life out of me. During this past summer, we were receiving some signs of hope that COVID was in decline; this hope was ripped out from under us…

The 12 days of COVID: year 2

Please also see the original 12 days of COVID. On the first day of COVID, the ongoing pandemic gave to me, An insurrection in Washington, DC. On the second day of COVID, the never-ending pandemic gave to me, Two backordered gloves. And an insurrection …

10 things this nurse is f-ing tired of saying

Musings of a primary care triage nurse: 1. “Isolation means you aren’t around others. No, you shouldn’t be eating dinner with your family or watching TV with them.” 2. “You’ve been sick for the past week but didn&#82…

COVID-19 monoclonal antibodies are a bridge to vaccination

Attention-grabbing headlines suggest that our crucial COVID-19 pandemic tools—monoclonal antibodies and vaccines—are incompatible. Beyond the controversy rests an evidence-based reality: monoclonal antibodies and vaccines are complementary aspects of p…

Trevor Bedford on Omicron and what about COVID keeps him up at night [PODCAST]

Welcome to an expedited episode of The Podcast by KevinMD. Trevor Bedford is a computational biologist and infectious disease scientist, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. He was selected as a recipient of the 2021 MacArthur Fellowship and can be …

A milligram of understanding for anti-vaxxers

When the COVID pandemic first reared its ugly head in 2020, I was mentally prepared (as much as any of us could be) for the patient care wave that was coming our way. What I was not prepared for was the mass of anti-science and anti-intellectual pushba…

The post-pandemic future I envisioned is here

It has been exactly one year since Pfizer’s first trucks rolled out to much fanfare. Billions followed every twist and turn on the path to getting a vaccine that would save countless lives and give us a return to normalcy. We all hoped for a bris…

Is Omicron a sheep in wolf’s clothing?

Make no mistake, the newest variant in the COVID-19 family is far more contagious than any of the others. Will it cause a drastic surge in the pandemic? Or could it have a mitigating influence? First identified in South Africa on November 11, Omicron q…