Category: Dermatology

The evolution of medical training in dermatology and the impact of technology

In nearly every field, ongoing education is warranted, if not explicitly required. Be it the informal transfer of knowledge between colleagues, or a more formalized process like recertification, nearly every profession mandates some form of maintenance…

How I accepted hair loss at 19

I will never forget the first time my thinning hairline hit me in the face with an openhanded, five-finger slap. It was in February of 2014, the spring semester of my freshman year in (undergraduate) college. I was only 18 at the time. A then-football …

Chlorophyll, acne, and TikTok: Should these mix?

Available in 155 countries, found in 75 different languages, and having at least 689 million monthly active users worldwide, the social media platform, TikTok, has taken the online world by force since its arrival in 2016. Its ability for users to crea…

Confession from a female doctor: I am sexist

Maybe it’s a testament to a hardy relationship that there was no resulting argument. Without thinking, I blurted out, “You are so sexist!” I could immediately tell by my husband’s face, his upper eyelids and eyebrows lifted a bit, his mouth freeze-fram…

A dermatologist reflects on his career [PODCAST]

“At that point, I realized Thanksgiving came early this year, and I missed it. It was a reminder of why many of us go into medicine. I didn’t go into medicine for glory or fame. Nor did I go into medicine for financial reward. Still, I often told…

3 strategies for matching into a competitive specialty, even with a lower USMLE score 

For applicants seeking to match into a competitive specialty, it can be challenging.  In fact, it’s not uncommon for programs to receive over 100 applications for a single residency position.  To sort through that many applications, many programs…

Thanksgiving came early this year. I just didn’t appreciate it.

I retired on June 30, 2020, after 32 years of solo practice as a dermatologist. Due to the pandemic, some say I was smart to retire when I did. But if I was so smart, I would have retired on February 28th. My practice was simple: three full-time employ…

An Indian doctor with vitiligo shares his story [PODCAST]

“Growing up, my family sheltered and protected me with everything related to vitiligo. People never really asked me what happened to my skin. And, if I did get questions, I honestly did not know how to answer them, so I would say ‘oh, they’…

From a dermatologist: How to beat “maskne,” dry hands, and other safety-related skin problems

You are doing all the right things: washing your hands frequently, wearing a mask when out in public, getting the requisite sunlight needed to reduce stress and maintain your health. And the reward you’re getting for all your diligence? Dry skin,…

Sunscreens: The balancing act between safety and cancer prevention

That’s the question that will be on the minds of many as the Food and Drug Administration releases a second study on the absorption of sunscreens. The reality is that answering the “safe” question is becoming more complicated—and more important as well…