Category: Dermatology

2 tales of physician assistant burnout

For the first 12 years as a physician assistant, I thought provider burnout only happened to wusses, those better suited to working in health insurance or doctoring at a summer camp.  Sure, I felt overwhelmed at times, but I planned to soldier on in cl…

A screenwriting dermatologist shares the importance of creativity in medicine [PODCAST]

“Someday, I suspect I will recount this time of fear with mixed emotions.  Sadly, there are people who have died and more to come, and this time will also lead us to reassess our way of life and make changes for the better.  I work from home, jug…

A medical student walks out of a class. The silence that follows is what hurts most.

As a medical student, I was finally starting my clinical rotations, a time of great anticipation and celebration among medical students and their families. After two years of book learning, I was going to be called “doctor” and wear my shor…

The story of an Indian doctor with vitiligo

“Alright, sir, that’s the plan, and we will take good care of you.   What questions do you have for me?” I asked after discussing the patient’s condition and hospital course.  The patient looked satisfied and nodded as if he understood the plan, and as…

A dermatologist on the COVID-19 front lines

Let’s get the jokes out first. Yes, I am a dermatologist who is on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic at my hospital, and no, you do not want me to intubate you. I’m a little different than most dermatologists. I also trained in internal medicine…

Why is it hard to find a good dermatologist in a competitive market?

We’ve all heard the phrase, “survival of the fittest.” It suggests that in the competitive, “free market” world, it is the “best” who survives and it’s “the cream” that rises to the top.  But is that true for doctors?  Do patients get better care when …

The 5 myths of “difficult” patients

I saw a “difficult” patient in the clinic this week. We’ve all been there, sometimes multiple times a week. The patient who is upset and won’t stop telling unrelated history. The one who comes in every week with vague complaints…

Not all physicians wear a stethoscope, even during a pandemic

I’m a dermatologist, so I’m not on the front lines of this pandemic. And thanks to public health measures, I may never be called to work at coronavirus drive-thru testing sites because we are flattening the curve of infections. Nevertheless…

A letter to her daughter: 8 things I learned from being a doctor and a mother

My dearest daughter, Life is unpredictable. In case I won’t be around one day, here are things I learned from being a doctor and a mother that can guide you always. 1. New level. New devil! There will never be a time outside of death that life wi…

Beyond the EpiPen: Irrational drug prices are now pervasive

There was outrage over the sudden rise in the price of the EpiPen. But the rise in many other pharmaceutical prices gets less attention but is just as concerning. It can be easy to forget issues like this until they affect us personally. My two encount…