Category: Facebook

How I used social media to get promoted to professor

In 2016, I wrote an article for KevinMD about using social media to get promoted to associate professor. Well, I’m thrilled to write this follow-up article discussing how I not only got promoted again but how physician involvement on social media is be…

How physicians can engage on social media

During a casual scroll through social media, I often hear the voice of my friend and fellow pediatrician warning, “Do not engage!” Generally speaking, this is almost always the correct advice. The rise of various social media platforms, the ability to …

Harness the power of social media to reach COVID immunity: #CovidVaccine

The roll-out of the COVID vaccine, which started in the U.S. recently, brought hope to millions of Americans reeling under the protracted coronavirus pandemic. The phrase “this is the beginning of the end” was used repeatedly by interviewed…

The COVID vaccine selfie: The caption matters as much as the picture

COVID-19 has forever changed science. There have been many positives. The virus has forced us to question long-held notions in immunology, virology, and critical care, improving our ability to battle disease. There have been brilliant expressions of cr…

How to develop a mission-driven personal brand [PODCAST]

“When it comes to social media, embrace a micromedia mindset. That means sharing entertaining, informative content that provides value. Think of yourself as the editor of your newspaper. Newspapers include various content: current events, intervi…

You are abandoning your patients if you are not active on social media

Dr. Todd Wolynn, a Pittsburgh pediatrician, feels so strongly about this that he made the statement twice while speaking at the recent annual Canadian Immunization Conference. “You’re abandoning your patients and leaving them open to an incredible amou…

Physicians fight from the social media frontlines

As of November 2020, there are about 11.5 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 2,50,000 deaths from COVID-19 disease in the USA. Conspiracy theories thrive in times of great uncertainty, and the COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be a petri dish for th…

#MedBikini and medical professionalism [PODCAST]

“While our bodies have been a bastion of the heart and soul of medicine, a group of our peers thought it was acceptable to diminish the capabilities of our bodies to pictures on social media. They thought our ability to be exceptional physicians …

Essential health messaging tips for physicians [PODCAST]

“Advocacy by moms is not new, but advocacy by physicians has been less common. Moms have been fierce advocates on a variety of causes ranging from Mothers Against Drunk Driving to Moms Demand Action, the anti-gun violence mom activist group led b…

How to develop a mission-driven personal brand

We see examples of personal branding every day on TV and social media. Sometimes these catch our attention, and sometimes they annoy us. That’s the thing about personal branding: it can be trustworthy or cringe-worthy. While personal branding may…