Category: Forbes

What Rights Do Teens Have When It Comes To Their Health?

The laws regarding teen minors being able to decide to forego or proceed with medical care vary from state to state. In the setting of multiple outbreaks of vaccine-preventable illnesses, teens are opting to go against their parents and get vaccinated.

How To Defeat Procrastination With The Psychology Of Emotional Intelligence

What if you trained your brain to enjoy confronting a task more than procrastinating on it?

Wearables & Smartwatches Offer Great Health Benefits Although Security Hurdles Arise

Wearable devices and gadgets, which include smartwatches such as the Apple Watch, offer a lot of benefits for the user. However, security is still an issue for these lower power devices, due to authentication of users.

Blockchain Technology May (Eventually) Fix Healthcare: Just Don’t Hold Your Breath

Blockchain technology may alter the delivery of care in the United States; it just won’t happen overnight.

VR Meditation: The Path To Next-Gen Health & Happiness

As this month is Mindful March – the perfect time to take a look at some of the VR meditation apps out there that will help you on your path to next-gen relaxation, happiness, and fulfillment.

Report: Walgreens Plans To Sell CBD Products in 1500 Stores

After CVS introduced cannabidiol creams in 800 stores, its rival announced plans to market even more products in nine US states.

As Trump Strikes At ACA, Employers Sound Alarm On Pre-Existing Conditions

A whopping 95% of U.S. employers say Congress should preserve coverage for pre-existing conditions should the Affordable Care Act be overturned, according to a Mercer analysis of nearly 600 employers of “all sizes.

1.5M Jobs Are At ‘High Risk’ Of Automation, But There’s No Reason To Panic

At highest risk of losing their jobs to bots, says the ONS, are waiters (73%) while at lowest risk are medical practitioners (18%). But I’ve never yet been served by a cheeseburger by a robot, and yet the healthcare sector is rife with innovative tech …

Lessons in Patience, from Aerospace Patients

Space medicine physicians have their work cut out for them.

Collateral Damage From The Trump Administration’s Decision To Invalidate ACA

On Monday the Trump Administration declared that the entire Affordable Care Act should be nixed. This puts in jeopardy a plethora of policy initiatives and demonstration projects the Administration has put forward and begun to implement, aimed at addre…