Category: Forbes

How Mental Health Charity Strongminds Is Disrupting Depression In Africa

Strongminds is a charitable organization that is treating depression at scale in Uganda, focusing particularly on women. Inspired by the inventiveness of their solution, I reached out to Strongminds founder Sean Mayberry and program director Kari Frame.

Does The Herbicide RoundUp® Cause Cancer?

RoundUp® is the most widely used herbicide in the world, in part because many farmers use “RoundUp Ready” GMO crops. Although 100s of studies have shown glyphosphate is safe, a new study presents evidence for a 41% increase in cancer risk in agricultur…

Hospital Wastes A Third Less Food After This One Change

Hospitals are one of the most egregious culprits when it comes to wasting food, but UC San Francisco Medical Center made one change that cut the amount of food it wastes by 30%.

Smokers Less Likely To Survive Dangerous Form Of Skin Cancer Than Non-Smokers

A new study has discovered that smokers are 40% less likely to survive a type of skin cancer than those who have never smoked.

What Push-Ups Can Tell You About Your Cardiovascular Risk

This new study in JAMA Network Open evaluated what happened to men who could do more than 40 push-ups and who could do no more than 10 push-ups.

58% Of Women Surgeons Suffer Sexual Harassment: Why This May Hurt You Too

84% of the harassment incidents went essentially unreported. Here is why this is a patient care issue.

Salmonella Outbreaks: What Raw Turkey, Tahini, Hedgehogs Have In Common

Add ground beef and raw chicken to the mix, and 2019 is not off to the a great start when it comes to Salmonella outbreaks.

HIMSS 2019 Promises Healthcare Consumerization, Price Transparency & Interoperability

This year, HIMSS19 calls not for a greater focus on technology and our health as a nation as it has in previous years, but instead, this year’s conference theme “champions of health unite” puts an increasing emphasis on what matters most in healthcare:…

Improving Health And Hygiene With Purell, Azure, And IoT

GOJO Industries–makers of Purell–are leveraging Microsoft Azure to develop technology for connected IoT hand sanitizer dispensers to monitor hygiene behavior in hospitals and provide data that can be used to influence the practice of hand hygiene to …

Can Social Media Cure Cancer?

Oncologists need to embrace social media to accelerate patient participation in cancer research.