Category: Healthcare Finance News

Democrats, Republicans agree politics should be taken out of health policymaking

Most respondents to a public opinion survey say evidence should have "a lot of influence" on policy, but few feel it actually does.

Community Oncology Alliance proposes value-based alternative payment model to reduce costs

The new model aims to provide high-quality, coordinated oncology care at the same or lower cost to Medicare.

Providers and payers should negotiate without government interference, AHA tells Senate committee

The Lower Health Care Costs Act from the Senate HELP committee will be marked up next week prior to going before the full Senate.

Kaiser Permanente plunking down $900 million on new Oakland headquarters

Officials say the new building will reduce operational costs by more than $60 million annually and support affordable care for the community.

CMS proposes prior authorization update for Part D drugs

The expedited process and drug access would allow clinicians to complete the process online under new e-prescribing standards.

Healthcare leaders need the right technology philosophy, to succeed in transitioning to value-based care

The appropriate use of technology will play an important role in the switch from volume to value, but it helps to have the right approach.

Why health professionals need to be cautious on social media

Just one subtle comment expressing workplace frustration was enough for people to view someone as a less credible health professional.

Drug makers sue HHS over rule mandating they post the list price of drugs in TV ads

Rule misleads patients about their out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs, a factor the manufacturers say HHS already concedes.

Analytics could prevent unnecessary helicopter rides for hospitals

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University are developing an analytics platform to help determine the medical necessity of using helicopters for emergency transport.

Hospitals saved an average of $11.8 million due to 340B drug discount program

Hospitals said cuts to 340B savings would force them to scale back certain programs, though the 340B program remains controversial.