Payer+Provider's Health System Review
May 13, 2019
Teva colluded with 20 competitors on 86 generic drugs to avoid price erosion and keep inflated prices high, lawsuit says.
Machine learning advances go above and beyond what has presently been achieved in medicine, the findings showed.
The DOJ and CVS Health are seeking to block certain testimony they say is outside the scope of review.
May 10, 2019
Success was highest for those with employer coverage while marketplace enrollees were statistically more likely to run into trouble.
Study recommends employers pressure health plans and hospitals to shift to contracts based on a multiple of Medicare or other prospective case rates.
A big challenge for health plans is addressing member expectations based on their experiences in other industries.
May 9, 2019
AHIP wants reimbursement based on market rates determined by contracted amounts paid by insurers to similar doctors in a geographic area.
Tapping into asynchronous, text-based communication could let providers cast a wider net and improve care quality.
Fraudulent medical practice is estimated to cost the federal government between $90 to $300 billion dollars annually.