Category: health system performance

Health System Dashboard

The Peterson-KFF Health System Dashboard examines the U.S. health system’s performance in four areas: access and affordability, health and well-being, health spending, and quality of care. Users can explore trends over time, as well as disparities and …

How does the quality of the U.S. health care system compare to other countries?

This chart collection compare health outcomes, quality of care, and access to services between the U.S. and peer countries. While inconsistent and imperfect metrics make it difficult to firmly assess system-wide health quality in the U.S., a review of …

The U.S. Has Fewer Physicians and Hospital Beds Per Capita Than Italy and Other Countries Overwhelmed by COVID-19

A new analysis and chart collection finds that the U.S. has fewer hospital beds and practicing physicians per capita than many similarly large and wealthy countries with health care systems already strained by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Compared to…

National Health Spending Explorer

The Health Spending Explorer on the Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker helps users examine five decades worth of numbers documenting expenditures by federal and local governments, private insurers, and individuals on 15 categories of health services, i…

How Have Diabetes Costs and Outcomes Changed Over Time in the U.S.?

In 2017, 7.2% of the U.S. population was diagnosed with diabetes – an 188% increase from 1980. This slideshow documents trends in health outcomes, quality of care, and spending on treatment for people in the U.S. with diabetes. It also looks at the cos…

What Do We Know About Infant Mortality in the U.S. and Comparable Countries?

An updated slideshow examines infant mortality rates in the United States, including variations by race and ethnicity and comparisons with similar countries.

Health System Dashboard

Newly updated and expanded, the Health System Dashboard compiles data on the U.S. health system’s performance in four categories: access and affordability, health and well being, health spending, and quality of care. Users can explore trends over time,…

How Does Cost Affect Access to Care?

This slideshow examines how cost and insurance affects people’s access to care, including decisions to forgo or delay needed care and access to a usual source of care. The data finds those without health insurance or in poor health are more likely to …

Initiative 18|11: What Can We Do About The Cost Of Health Care?

This conference report summarizes discussions at a March 2018 conference in Washington with 30 leaders from the health care community to launch Initiative 18/11, a partnership between the Society of Actuaries and KFF to address the rising cost of healt…

Initiative 18|11: What Can We Do About The Cost Of Health Care?

This conference report summarizes discussions at a March 2018 conference in Washington with 30 leaders from the health care community to launch Initiative 18/11, a partnership between the Society of Actuaries and KFF to address the rising cost of healt…