Category: Hospital-Based Medicine

Protect yourself and your standard of living as a nurse

This article is about learning to protect yourself and your standard of living as a nurse. Now that I am considered a seasoned nurse, I have concluded that there are many essential aspects of the nursing profession that are not discussed during nursing…

The story of how a homeless teen became a physician

An excerpt from Hindsight: Coming of age on the streets of Hollywood. During my medical school clerkships, an attending recognized a truth within me that I’d hidden for many years. Just a few hours into my pediatrics rotation, the attending asked…

3 ways to change your mindset in continuing medical education

The seeds of emotional turmoil inherent in medical education are planted early in the pursuit of becoming a doctor. It is the unspoken fear that medical students and residents experience each day on attending rounds.  It is the worry of missing a vital…

A student finds his passion for medicine

3:30 a.m. – Wake up. 4:00 a.m. – Leave apartment. 4:15 a.m. – Arrive at hospital. 4:20 a.m. – Print out the patient list. 4:20 – 5:25 a.m. – Split the list of 50 patients with your partner, go to a computer and write…

Patient experience scores are being dragged down by process problems

Which statement fits your organization the best? Option A: Our organizational strategies, incentives, goals, and mantras are driven by patient experience. Option B: Our organizational strategies, incentives, goals, and mantras are driven by quality and…

Patient experience scores are being dragged down by process problems

Which statement fits your organization the best? Option A: Our organizational strategies, incentives, goals, and mantras are driven by patient experience. Option B: Our organizational strategies, incentives, goals, and mantras are driven by quality and…

3 reasons why your patients love you

I recently wrote an article giving 3 reasons why any patient may not have liked their doctor. They included the physician being visibly in a hurry, appearing to brush off concerns, or giving a general sense of not caring. While no doctor deliberately s…

A physician’s journey to working from home

Raise your glasses (of juice, water, champagne, or whatever you fancy) and join me in celebrating a dream come true: I’m officially a physician who practices medicine from home. To think that it was only four years ago that I was burnt out. It to…

Recognizing the secret identity of physicians

It was recently National Teacher Appreciation Week, and many were busy recognizing their superhero teachers.  Schools dedicate the week to their teachers, parents bustle about with flowers, handmade cards, and gift baskets.   For me, though last week w…

Physicians shouldn’t get too attached to the organizations they work for

One of the biggest changes to health care over the last 20 years has been the corporatization of medicine, from small independent physician practices, to large corporations that now run the show. Medicine has gone from good old Dr. Johnson’s office aro…