Category: Hospital-Based Medicine

Having a baby makes you a very different physician

Beeeeeeeeeeep. The unmistakable long beep of my bright-red code pager broke the rhythmic sound of my trusty breast pump. I grabbed the pager silently praying it was a “test page.” No such luck. As I read the Code 45 message, I heard the overhead announ…

Stop shoving metrics down nurses’ throats

One time, I applied for an emergency department (ED) nurse manager position. I thought I had the job locked up until I was asked during the interview how I would “enforce metrics.” “Enforce.” My holistic, qualitative research-based response to this aut…

What’s the biggest problem with medical education?

There has been a profound deterioration in the education of our medical students. I only make this contention after having taught over a hundred medical students across five continents, often one-on-one and for extended periods. Although the majority o…

What do you do when all else fails with a patient?

“Does a rock float on water?” I asked the haggard woman lying in the ICU bed. I was an intern, in the first rotation of my medical residency, and Mrs. Jones had been my ICU team’s patient for the past week. Over that time, she’d…

Average physicians are extraordinary

I am just another average physician. It wasn’t my first return from maternity leave, but this busy ED shift wasn’t going well. I kept putting off breast-pumping to complete “just one more thing.” Then my son’s school secretary called. I had told our na…

The myths and truths about med-peds physicians

Yes, med-peds is a real residency! It is a real specialty! And it is a practicing profession by many physicians today! It can open doors for so many wonderful professional opportunities. It is a discipline that can provide patients and communities extr…

The generational differences of physicians

It is a known fact, but every generation feels that they had it worst and that other generations have it made. “When I went to school we had to walk uphill in the snow both ways!” says every grandparent I identify myself with the Generation…

Why managers will never be a source of disruptive innovation in health care

I have had several dealings with the benefits managers/HR managers of large corporations and other large organizations over my career. I have one over-arching conclusion about what motivates these people: They will never be a source of disruptive innov…

Reflecting on the state of global anesthesia

A guest column by the American Society of Anesthesiologists, exclusive to I imagine every physician anesthesiologist has experienced drug or equipment shortages in the last year. How frustrating that even in the world’s largest health care…

Health care professionals must always be on their A game

I was having dinner with somebody not so long ago, and the conversation turned to what life is like as a physician. I always find it interesting to have these conversations with people who are not in the medical field, especially those who have got the…