Category: Infectious disease

I may be damaging my brain this year, but it’s not from masks

I’ve been limiting my COVID-19 related engagement with social media because this has been a rough year. I like being a resource for my loved ones about COVID-19 stuff, but it feels never-ending. A friend of mine asked me to weigh in on a letter s…

Blood clots and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine: a comic explanation

Emily Watters is a physician who explains the connection between blood clots and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine (click to enlarge): Emily Watters is a psychiatrist and can be reached at The Cartoon Shrink. Image credits: Emily Watters
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Don’t push harsh health care realities under the rug

On a recent call with a small health organization in rural Uganda, I asked the director about the C-section rate in the community. In some private maternity centers, this procedure is performed far more often than one might expect. I’ve learned t…

Our work as physicians and healers is to see the whole patient [PODCAST]

“Instead of focusing on one organ system, I want to know everything. The diagnostic challenge is to discern patterns of insults, symptoms, and lab tests that correlate with specific microbes, specific organ dysfunction, specific diet issues, and …

Why we should prioritize vaccinating young adults. Now.

Reading this title, you’re probably shaking your head in disbelief, disgruntlement, or more than likely a passionate mixture of the two. And for good reason: It’s no secret that seniors are extremely vulnerable to COVID-19, especially when considering …

Does your reaction to COVID reveal your political leaning?

COVID-19 is the first-ever “politicized pandemic” in human history. COVID-19 happened in an era of widespread social media which helped the general population to understand the disease better and faster. However, the public also formulated an opinion a…

We don’t have to leave medicine to heal

So many of us keep looking around and thinking, what now?  Meaning now that “it’s” over, what is next.  Are we supposed to go back to that life from before?  Is that what is happening?  Isn’t that what we are seeing on social me…

Research and censorship in an uncertain time

Joseph B. Fraiman is an emergency medicine physician currently practicing at Thibodaux Regional Medical Center and three other regional hospitals in Louisiana. This interview, conducted by journalist Martha Rosenberg, has been edited for clarity and le…

Leadership lessons from Dr. Fauci [PODCAST]

“Dr. Fauci navigated the delicate balance between his obligation to the American people as one of our most respected physician-scientists and holding on to his job in a federal government whose leader doesn’t take kindly to independent thought th…

Dying of loneliness: the COVID-19 epidemic in children and adolescents

We stood at the bedside.  Our eyes met through plastic goggles and face shields.  Wordlessly, we acknowledged a palpable shift.  We three pediatric emergency physicians staffed our New York City ER that late fall day, caring for the third teen in a row…