Category: Infectious disease

Uncovering the medical mystery behind Lazarus’ resurrection [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! In this episode, we delve into the story of Lazarus, a man who died and was raised from the dead by Jesus Christ. Our guest is William Lynes, a urologist who takes a clinical approach to th…

Surviving monkeypox: a story of compassionate care and an emerging disease outbreak

Mr. Sanchez had been feeling unwell for days before he decided to visit the emergency room. When I walked into his room, I immediately noticed that he was scared and anxious. His sore throat had been persistent for five days and was now so severe that …

Lazarus: the dead man brought back to life

Lazarus is a man of the new testament, living in the time of Jesus Christ in the city of Bethany. He was the brother of two of Christ’s followers, sisters Mary and Martha. Bethany sat less than 2 miles south of Jerusalem in Israel. The story of L…

Healing from the pandemic: a journey to recovery

While it appears we are on the downhill slope of COVID-19’s integration into everyday life, burnout rates are rising, and organizational trust is taking a nose-dive. Aren’t we supposed to be in the post-disaster recovery phase? What is the …

COVID-19 is still a global health issue but we can responsibly live with it

The World Health Organization (WHO) first declared the COVID-19 outbreak a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) on January 30, 2020, when, outside of China, there were fewer than 100 cases, and there were no deaths. This formal decl…

The vaccination dilemma: Protecting patient rights or caregiver freedom?

Recently, I heard a news report regarding several state attorneys general suing the federal government to eliminate the requirement that health care providers be immunized against COVID. They argued that as fully immunized individuals still contract CO…

Breaking the stigma: Making HIV and COVID screening routine in primary care [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! In this episode, we welcome clinical research assistant professor, Maranda C. Ward, to discuss the importance of routine screening for both HIV and COVID-19 in primary care. During the COVI…

Mostly miserables: a physician-mother’s struggle during COVID-19

It was the year 2020 — the month of March. The world shifted on its axis in ways we could not imagine. The job of a physician-mother is one of never-ending tightrope walking while juggling batons on fire and crystal figurines, all while herding cats. Y…

Golden years, golden risk: the startling increase of STDs in seniors

An excerpt from Never Too Late: Your Guide to Safer Sex after 60. The sexual revolution that began in the 1960s challenged social norms and traditional concepts, promoted acceptance, and liberated individuals from sexual repression. It effectively tran…

Navigating the new norm: a physician’s perspective on caring for sick patients in the age of COVID

I have three adult daughters, all college graduates. All are in long-term relationships with men, children, dogs, and careers. I am “Dad” and will always be Dad. I additionally happen to be a physician who cares for adult patients. If they …