Category: Kaiser Family Foundation

How Does Cost Affect Access to Care?

This slideshow examines how cost and insurance affects people’s access to care, including decisions to forgo or delay needed care and access to a usual source of care. The data finds those without health insurance or in poor health are more likely to …

How Do Health Expenditures Vary Across the Population?

This slideshow explores the variation in health spending across the population through an analysis of the 2012 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data. The analysis shows that the 1% of the population with the highest spending accounted for almost one qu…

Initiative 18|11: What Can We Do About The Cost Of Health Care?

This conference report summarizes discussions at a March 2018 conference in Washington with 30 leaders from the health care community to launch Initiative 18/11, a partnership between the Society of Actuaries and KFF to address the rising cost of healt…

Initiative 18|11: What Can We Do About The Cost Of Health Care?

This conference report summarizes discussions at a March 2018 conference in Washington with 30 leaders from the health care community to launch Initiative 18/11, a partnership between the Society of Actuaries and KFF to address the rising cost of healt…

The Detail That Could Make Medicare for All Generous — and Expensive

In this Axios column, Drew Altman wades in to the Medicare for All discussion focusing on the pros and cons of a critical but under-discussed feature of the proposals-they have no cost sharing.

Health Spending Explorer

The Health Spending Explorer on the Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker helps users examine five decades worth of numbers documenting expenditures by federal and local governments, private insurers, and individuals on 15 categories of health services…

Updated Health Spending Explorer Features the Latest National Data

The latest data on U.S. health spending are now available on the Health Spending Explorer, an interactive tool that allows users to explore trends in health expenditures by federal and local governments, insurers, service providers, and individuals. Th…

What are the recent and forecasted trends in prescription drug spending?

This slideshow looks at past, present and future trends in prescription drug spending with a focus on the role of specialty drugs.

A Generation of Health Care in the United States: Has Value Improved in the Last 25 Years?

Using data from the Health System Dashboard, a new analysis looks at trends in health spending and outcomes in the United States between 1991 and 2016. While many U.S. health outcomes, like life expectancy and disease burden, have improved, the share o…

Some Can Get Marketplace Plans With No Premiums,Though With Higher Deductibles and Cost-Sharing

Many low-income consumers who are eligible for federal financial help under the Affordable Care Act can get a bronze-level plan and pay nothing out-of-pocket in premiums in more than 2,000 counties next year, depending on their annual income, according…