Category: Neurology

Working with your patients to promote healthy brain aging

As a behavioral neurologist and professor in the departments of neurology, psychiatry, and physical medicine and rehabilitation at the University of Pennsylvania, my research focuses on using noninvasive brain stimulation technologies to help people wi…

Changing the medical system with empathy [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join Ann McColl, a patient advocate, and James Whitlock, a neurologist, as they delve into their shared passion for understanding the journeys of patients with complex con…

Lewy body dementia: a journey through hallucinations and imagination

An excerpt from The Sea Glass Epidemic. … It was at this time the mouse asked Beth if he could bring over some friends. Naturally, Beth assumed the mouse was talking about other mice. Much to her surprise, the mouse ran into the kitchen, walked u…

How neurologists can repair the home of broken promises

“I broke our only promise,” swelling with guilt, Sarah wept as she stumbled out of the front door. Two years ago, her father asked her to never leave him in a nursing home. They pinky promised. But how could anyone have predicted what would…

Repaving your path: How clinicians can prevent burnout by embracing core values

Don’t blame others for the burned-out road you are on: It is your own “Ass-Phalt.” OK. I know that sounds harsh. We, physicians and other clinicians suffer under the demands of irrelevant EMR guidelines, insensitive hospital administr…

The first time I walked again after a spinal cord injury

Once upon a time, I’d imagined myself the Lone Ranger physician, self-sufficient and incapable of weakness, and when I had my spinal cord injury in 2008, I really felt alone, in the negative spiral of a victim mindset, my own worst enemy and in a…

Big pharma ignores low-cost migraine solution

If you are a fan of pharma, you might want to skip this article. Some pharma enthusiasts will call it a rant. By pharma, I mean avaricious pharmaceutical (a pleonasm) companies collectively. On the other hand, those of you who treat acute migraines wil…

Alzheimer’s agony: a son’s vow to never endure

An excerpt from Winter’s End: Dementia and Dying Well. Are there really fates worse than death? Like most people, Dan Winter was uncertain. That is until he visited his father at a memory care unit in Lawrence, Kansas. Dan’s father had been…

I had a (incorrect) memory screening. Have you even had one?

Although it’s hard for me to comprehend and even harder to admit, I’m “of age” to be on Medicare. Recently, I visited my primary care physician (PCP) for a Medicare Annual Wellness Visit, a one-hour appointment that requires the…

Breaking through the cobwebs of dementia

“Some memories are unforgettable, remaining ever vivid and heartwarming!” – Joseph B. Wirthlin I love my role as a hospice volunteer mostly because I enjoy meeting the patients and hearing their life stories. I heard a tale from the V…