Category: NYSE:BAX

Shutdown’s Latest Victim: Hundreds Of Delayed Life-Saving Medical Devices

The government shutdown is creating a backlog of hundreds of medical device applications awaiting review at the Food and Drug Administration, triggering a cascade of delays for medical technology, The Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed) s…

As Trump’s Trade War Grows, China Hits Medical Device Makers

China’s latest retaliatory tariffs have hit $4.7 billion in U.S. medical technology exports, the Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed) said.

Report: Medical Technology Industry ‘Under-Investing’ In R&D

The medical technology industry’s R&D investments are in decline, consulting firm EY says in a new report.

Why Big Pharma Quietly Cheers Rahm Emanuel’s Exit As Chicago’s Mayor

Rahm Emanuel’s decision to not run again for Mayor of Chicago next year may be good news for the pharmaceutical industry, which has become a target during his tenure.