Category: Oncology/Hematology

Keeping a cancer diagnosis silent

It is a seasonally cold fall evening in Long Island, NY, and I am standing in a field in the middle of what should be a darkened park. Still, I am truly amazed by how bright it is lit up by lanterns with different colors demarcating patients, families,…

A physician and sister, but also an accomplice?

My older sister, Joy, will soon die from metastatic breast cancer.  She will pass away at age 50.  She will leave behind a husband of 21 years and the three children they nurtured to young adulthood.  Our elderly parents will lament the unnatural timin…

To my patient who is going to lose her hair from chemotherapy

I understand that the biggest fear you have about going through chemotherapy is losing your hair. I just want to tell you. You will be fine. Trust me. I know it’s barbaric. Why don’t we have medicines to treat cancer that will not make you lose your ha…

Cancer provided an unexpected silver lining

When I first met her, I perceived she was nervous. I could sense the doctor skepticism. She simply had a negative aura about her. An Eeyore, if you will. A “no” person. A drag. To my absolute non-surprise, she declined all screenings that a…

Until next year, breast care center

I enter the breast care center, check in, and take a seat. Though there are few people in the room; there is a sense of dread and trepidation that hangs in the air. It feels almost like a sacred space as I am acutely aware of all the prayers, meditatio…

How MRI-guided radiation therapy is changing the paradigm in pancreatic cancer 

I truly believe we’re at the beginning of something great in terms of fundamentally changing how we approach pancreatic cancer, the third leading cause of cancer death in the United States. With a mortality rate of roughly 80 percent, it’s been referre…

The rise of targeted therapies: the era of the patient-focused approach  

There is an urgent need for innovation in cancer treatments. Although we’ve seen significant progress in indications for drugs treating particular diseases, cancer research data shows that 10-year survival statistics for cancers such as esophageal and …

Tackling racial disparities in cancer care by creating new ways for institutions to operate

At 84, Emma Shuford found a lump in her breast. After a lumpectomy, she was diagnosed with locally aggressive breast cancer. Her doctors said it was treatable but she needed radiation to help stop it from growing. At first, she refused. Because of her …

A son’s brain cancer. A father’s story. [PODCAST]

“As you wait, you have a lot of time to think. You comb through the past in search of something you might have missed. If we had acted sooner on the signs of his illness—had the cancer been diagnosed earlier—would Lee have had a better chance? Yo…

Breast cancer’s silver lining

In many ways, this woman was similar to other patients I have seen after a diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Her hair was growing back, and I immediately noticed that she was comfortable enough to not be wearing a wig or head covering for our Z…