Category: Pain Management

The real cause of the opioid crisis isn’t what you think

For years, the U.S. public has been hearing that prescription opioid pain relievers are always and forever a bad thing—and that doctors and big pharma companies are supposedly responsible for an epidemic of addiction and drug overdose-related deaths. H…

How alternative therapies could be the key to ending the pain care crisis [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! We dive into the pain care crisis in the United States with Cindy Perlin, a social worker and chronic pain expert. We explore the epidemic of chronic pain, the limitations…

The shocking truth behind the DEA’s role in America’s pain crisis and doctor prosecutions

The United States federal government is a single entity, despite its three equal branches having more heads than a hydra and more arms than Mahakali. One part of that federal government is not supposed to create and propagate standards that another par…

The shocking truth behind the DEA’s role in America’s pain crisis and doctor prosecutions

The United States federal government is a single entity, despite its three equal branches having more heads than a hydra and more arms than Mahakali. One part of that federal government is not supposed to create and propagate standards that another par…

Why physicians need to become more educated about alternative pain treatments

All indications are that pain care in the United States is in crisis. There is an epidemic of prescription opioid-fueled opioid addiction and overdoses (over a million dead and millions more addicted) as well as an epidemic of chronic pain. Estimates o…

How the DEA’s use of predictive algorithms is worsening crises in urban communities and raising suicide rates among African Americans

The true definition of criminal behavior has always been problematic. Are we criminals because we break the law or because we have been convicted? Famous and revered people throughout history have clearly broken the law but are almost never defined as …

Why good doctors are being jailed—and what it means for you

Today, in America, if you are suffering from certain medical conditions, physicians are being taught that you cannot be trusted or even treated. This results from a decade of law enforcement targeting physicians, pharmacists, and nurse practitioners fo…

The choice between integrity and power in a world of chaos

The world is benefited by a variety of human beings. Almost everyone can contribute greatly to our societies, no matter what their personal drives. Even the selfish and hate-filled can give us people like Henry Ford, the antisemitic supporter of Hitler…

Pain clinic to pay $750K to settle Medicare false claims allegations

Martinsburg, W.Va.-based The Pain Center of West Virginia has agreed to pay $750,000 to settle allegations that it submitted false claims to Medicare for amniotic fluid injections used in pain management.

The use of artificial intelligence in the enforcement of health care regulations

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a virtual construct that uses algorithms, data, and computational power to simulate human intelligence in machines. Physicians and health care professionals often imagine AI as a futuristic, benevolent, childlike humanoi…