Category: Pediatrics

A shift from the medical perspective of disability to a mother’s perspective [PODCAST]

“In the months just prior to the infantile spasms, as Josephine’s mind had begun to develop and grow, so, finally, had my love for her. My lack of affection for her up until that point had troubled me, and it was with relief that I had realized I…

How this pediatrician handles a distorted concept of reality [PODCAST]

“The victims of this now distorted concept of liberty are ones that we physicians encounter every day. The one that inspired this essay for me is an 11-year-old boy that I saw three weeks ago. He is a patient of mine in my pediatric practice who …

Viral upper respiratory infections in the age of COVID

Your toddler has had a cough and runny, stuffy nose on and off for months. They also attend daycare and have a sibling in preschool. You are worried about the symptoms. You are also exhausted because your child’s coughing and congestion is not le…

There is no quick fix for kids’ cold and flu symptoms but there are things you can do

Colder weather is upon us again – and so is cold and flu season. Nearly two years into the fight against COVID-19, we welcome children returning to schools, daycare, and sports. But with the loosening of restrictions and increased social contacts, we a…

A children’s guide to getting vaccinated, in comic form

Emily Watters is a physician and created a children’s guide to getting vaccinated, in comic form (click to enlarge): Emily Watters is a psychiatrist and can be reached at The Cartoon Shrink. Image credits: Emily Watters
A children’s guide t…

Medical gaslighting due to weight stigma and bias: a viral TikTok study [PODCAST]

“Disrupting weight stigma and bias in health care starts with calling it out. The power of stories and shared experiences highlights the collective voice. I’m coaching TikTok Followers to own their health power and start speaking up during clinic…

A story of medicine’s stolen children

It was a Monday two years ago. I was still fresh from coming back from having been out of school from a COVID break. I was no older than 22, and I was in my pediatrics clerkship. I was greener than a freshly watered lawn, and I felt every bit of it. It…

Why you should vaccinate your kids

I am definitely getting my daughter vaccinated, and I acknowledge a minimal risk. Here is my reasoning, and perhaps this can help your family decide to get the vaccine for the kids in your family, too. Coronavirus is going to be with us for a long time…

Physicians have gone from being heroes to villains [PODCAST]

“I am exhausted and sad and disappointed and discouraged. I am losing faith in humanity. Where is the ‘love your neighbor as yourself’? Where is the willingness to help each other? Where is the solidarity of those first days? Physicia…

The success of Australian firearms regulation: What it could mean for children

An article in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2018 noted the sad milestone that firearms were causing 15% of all deaths in children and adolescents. Somewhat encouraging, a later study showed states with stricter firearm laws correlated with low…