Category: Pediatrics

Would you buy a smartphone if it had this warning label?

Imagine if every “device” (smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc.) had the following warning label: This device is not intended for any individuals under the age of 16. Purchasers of this device frequently cite their child’s “safety” as a r…

Patients with severe autism: medical and dental care in the community

The pediatrician kept on telling me that everything was fine. What could possibly be wrong? His motor skills were right on time, if not a little early.  He even had emerging problem-solving skills. He did things like push a chair up to a shelf to climb…

A neurosurgeon asks: Is your child’s backpack hurting her spine?

Running late for school in the morning. Again. You yell upstairs to your daughter, “Hurry up.” While she’s slipping on her sneakers and hustling out the door, you grab her backpack from the chair in the dining room. “Wow,” you think. “That’s heavy.” Ev…

“How are you doing?” A simple question with a big impact.

From October 25 to October 29, 2019, more than 10,000 pediatricians from all over the world gathered in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, to attend the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference and Exhibition. As the world’s larg…

Maybe being a physician was just not enough

Do you ever see other people in their careers and think to yourself, “Maybe I could do that?” I am a board-certified pediatric physician with over 25 years of experience in private practice, and I recently decided to try my hand at acting. …

Increasing strictness of gun laws correlates with fewer children killed by guns

Between 2011 and 2015 there were over 21,000 children killed by guns. This recent study in Pediatrics, the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, further analyzes the question; it compares pediatric firearm fatality rates among the various stat…

A poem for the pediatrician on a Monday

It’s Monday, I recall as I step into work; “Preparing for battle,” I say with a smirk. Surviving all weekend with a sick kid in tow, the parents’ relief as they waited to show you their child with fever, diarrhea and sneezing, the one who is too hot, t…

The weight of it: a pediatrician’s thoughts on how words last a lifetime

Start at the origin. Over two, up four. Down three, right six. Left five, up one. Keep connecting the dots. Everything will take shape. I liked graphs. Plotting coordinates — whether it be for a parabola or ellipse — was always calming for me: numbers …

This pediatrician gives her kids candy on Halloween. Here are 7 guilt-free candy tips.

I’m a pediatrician, mom of three. And to many, this may come as a surprise, but yes, I give my kids candy on Halloween. And I don’t mean the organic, gluten-free, non-GMO, no artificial colors or flavoring, good for you “treats.&#8221…

An appreciation for a hospital volunteer

Did I ever get to thank you for helping me? I am one of the pediatric residents you see running around like a headless chicken. We first met over a year ago when I was just a wee intern. You helped me calm an anxious boy who was about to get stitches. …