Category: Pediatrics

GLP-1 medications like Wegovy are effective metabolic health tools for teens with insulin resistance

Lizzie is a 13-year-old with a great sense of humor. She tells it like it is, especially to her Mom, Jackie, who admits to being a bit of an Almond Mom (the parent who is stuck in a weight-focused diet culture). Jackie leads a very healthy lifestyle an…

Rethinking teen medical consent: Navigating complex health needs

Is it time to reconsider the age of medical consent for teens? This is a question I have been asking myself as my children are approaching 18. For many years, I’ve dreaded the thought of my medically challenging child turning 18 and suddenly bein…

EMRs and insurance: a pediatrician’s success story

I am a pediatrician who trained in a residency program that taught us insurance companies were evil entities intent on profits over patient care. As ICD codes and CPT codes expanded, my colleagues complained that these were ways insurers could deny car…

Physician-led health care transformation: Debunking myths

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern health care, physicians often grapple with myths and misconceptions that can hinder our ability to provide the best possible care to our patients. As we stand at the precipice of change in 2023, it’s vital…

How a simple chore transformed my perspective on medicine

My son was born in a small community hospital with breathing and heart issues requiring transfer to a children’s hospital several hundred miles away. I arrived at the children’s hospital, worried, exhausted, and overwhelmed many hours after…

How social media alters young brains [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join Marc Arginteanu, a neurosurgeon, as we delve into a 2023 study revealing the alarming effects of social media and electronic addiction on the developing brains of mid…

Is unity possible in pediatrics?

I have long held the conviction that pediatricians, either in unison or in partnership with hospitals, have the potential to catalyze positive transformation within health care. The vision is clear: pediatricians leading the way, safeguarding health ca…

Assessing hospital involvement in pediatric primary care

Children’s hospitals are acclaimed for their outstanding care, and they would be my absolute choice for my child’s hospital needs. Nevertheless, there is a pressing concern that the underlying philosophy of these institutions is shifting, w…

Navigating the growing interest of private equity in pediatrics

My overall feeling is that independent practices cannot survive in isolation, nor can they single-handedly drive the transformation needed for value-based care, population health, or to ensure that the most vulnerable have the primary care access they …

Navigating medical uncertainty: a patient’s perspective [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! Join Ana María Caballero, a poet, artist, and author. Ana María delves into her book, A Petit Mal, and we delve into an unexpected encounter in the emergency room, with Ana María shedding l…