Category: KevinMD

Medical schools need to produce more clinician-activists to help drive social change

For hundreds of years, health care providers have been on the front lines of social change. Think Margaret Sanger, a nurse who championed women’s rights and started the organization that later became Planned Parenthood, or Max Recamier, one of the phys…

Medical schools need to produce more clinician-activists to help drive social change

For hundreds of years, health care providers have been on the front lines of social change. Think Margaret Sanger, a nurse who championed women’s rights and started the organization that later became Planned Parenthood, or Max Recamier, one of the phys…

10 telltale signs that you’re ready for a mindset shift

Physician wellness and work-life balance are hot topics in today’s medical arena. It is on the minds of medical students, residents, and physicians in practice. While the concepts and methods to achieve it are enticing, the question remains how d…

Artificial intelligence in medicine raises legal and ethical concerns

The use of artificial intelligence in medicine is generating great excitement and hope for treatment advances. AI generally refers to computers’ ability to mimic human intelligence and to learn. For example, by using machine learning, scientists are wo…

A patient confesses that he cuts himself

I walked into the room and said: “Hi, Jason.” “Do you think it’s deep enough to need stitches? I am really scared of needles,” was his reply to me. I said, “Why don’t you let me take a look, and we can both com…

This doctor defines himself as a Christian, not a physician

What is life? It’s the cumulation of the daily processes all wrapped up into one, filling the void of each day. These processes coalesce hour by hour, filled with demands, expectations, current crisis, and bills to pay. Life is a full-contact spo…

To reduce suicides, follow the data

On Kimberly Repp’s office wall is a sign in Latin: Hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae. This is a place where the dead delight in helping the living. For medical examiners, it’s a mission. Their job is to investigate deaths and learn from th…

Don’t underestimate the appeal of a Trump “health plan”

As the Democratic candidates for president continue to beat up each other on how best to achieve universal coverage (Medicare for all, a public option, closing the ACA’s coverage gaps), health care journalists keep wondering when President Trump will r…

It’s time for presidential candidates to debate the safety of pharmaceutical products

I watched all three presidential debates this summer with health care being a time-consuming topic for all. Universal health care and Medicare for all, with or without an option for private insurance, were debated and discussed at length. At the same t…

MKSAP: 40-year-old man with a flesh-colored lesion

Test your medicine knowledge with the MKSAP challenge, in partnership with the American College of Physicians. A 40-year-old man is evaluated for a firm, flesh-colored lesion that has been growing on the back for several months. Foul-smelling material …