Category: KevinMD

It’s time to seriously study gun violence

I have been working on gun violence prevention for the past two years. After the Las Vegas shooting, I worked with a fellow medical student to create a course teaching medical students about gun violence and how it relates to medicine. We taught future…

Why the Lancet’s editorial on Kashmir is unhelpful

If Rudolph Virchow’s observation that “medicine is a social science and politics is nothing but medicine writ large” is true, then medicine is bias writ large because politics is nothing but bias on steroids. Virchow’s maxim is now adopted by medical j…

3 lessons learned from the deep end of the pool

Over the past few summers, I’ve been noticing that when it came to swimming in the deep end of the pool, I was fearful. Gone was the fearlessness of my youth, when I’d venture out, take risks and somehow just know I’d make it back to the shallow end wh…

What does evidence-based psychotherapy really mean?

When a mental health clinic, online referral service, or private practice offers “evidence-based” psychotherapy, that certainly sounds like a selling point.  It suggests solid science supports the therapy offered — and that competing services lac…

The story of a hospital collapse and how small towns were devastated

The money was so good in the beginning, and it seemed it might gush forever, right through tiny country hospitals in Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee and into the coffers of companies controlled by Jorge A. Perez, his family, and business partners. It was…

It is wrong to exploit physicians’ compassion

When a patient comes to see me for a migraine headache, I know that they will leave feeling 100 percent better. They will finally be rid of that pounding, nauseating pain in their head, and they will be happy. And that makes me happy. Doctors derive gr…

A surprise pregnancy in medical school

“You’re 27-and-a-half weeks pregnant.” As I lay on the exam table, time froze. How can this be? I wondered dazedly. I’m a second-year medical student. I’ve just completed a course in female reproduction and endocrinology. …

Why physicians should have golden parachutes

Early into my career as an emergency physician, I was seated in the department with a colleague when I inquired about one of our co-workers I had not seen in a while. “Oh, she’s on the mommy track,” my colleague said and picked up ano…

More than three hours late, but somehow still on time

The sound of a clock, hung haphazardly on a colorless cold wall, ticks repetitively — tick, tick, tick. Time continues to pass as my appointment scheduled for three hours ago seems like it will never come. I scheduled this appointment three month…

No, phones don’t cause horns to grow on skulls

The Washington Post ran this headline: “’Horns’ are growing on young people’s skulls. Phone use is to blame, research suggests.” The headline is entirely correct except for a few minor points: They’re not horns, which point up from the forehead. They’r…