Category: KevinMD

Healing in a new land: the power of community and kindness

Howera is a twenty-nine-year-old Ethiopian woman. She saw me in the neurology clinic for headaches. Two years previously, she had come to America to join her husband. Since her arrival, he beat her physically and abused her sexually. Being a stranger i…

10 essential tips for doctors: Mastering contract negotiations

Negotiating a contract can be daunting, but it’s a critical skill every physician must master. When I received my first contract, I was overwhelmed by the legal jargon and the sheer number of clauses. It wasn’t just about the salary; it was…

Ignored and misdiagnosed: the truth about hernias in women

When actress, model, and reality star Denise Richards came into my office, she had been suffering from chronic pelvic pain for years. Doctor after doctor had given her the same advice: ignore it. It’s just a hernia. By the time Richards consulted…

Essential safety strategies in anesthesia: anticipation and prevention of complication

One of the best safety strategies in anesthesia is the anticipation and prevention of complications and errors at every step of preparation. An intact intravenous drug delivery system is essential for almost every anesthetic plan. In this article, we w…

Inside the heart of an internal medicine doctor [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! In this episode, we delve into the profound emotional experiences of Ryan McCarthy, an internal medicine physician. Ryan shares heart-wrenching moments from his practice, …

How weight loss drugs are creating a medical dilemma

On my outpatient clinical rotations last year, I saw ample management of heart disease and smoking cessation counseling. I also saw the annual physicals and checkups. But what surprised me was how many patients were on medications that were just now be…

2024 MGMA DataDive: Unveiling key trends in physician compensation

The wait is over! The highly anticipated 2024 MGMA DataDive, a federally recognized gold standard for physician compensation data, has finally arrived. This comprehensive analysis offers unparalleled insights into physician and advanced practice provid…

The truth about medical lawsuits: What the numbers reveal

For two years, I have used this venue to expose medical malpractice litigation as a serious threat to society and the medical profession. From your responses, I conclude that patients and doctors are ready for a paradigm shift. Two elements are essenti…

Revolutionizing migraine treatment: the untold story of beta-blocker nasal sprays [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join us for a conversation with John C. Hagan III, an ophthalmologist, as we delve into the innovative use of beta-blockers for treating acute migraines. Discover the jour…

Big business and surgery: Who belongs in your operating room

My deep dive into this topic started after examining a New York Times article regarding the abuse of medical technology within my specialty of vascular surgery. The knowledge this article presented, along with my love of innovation and acquisition of a…