Category: KevinMD

A patient’s last 24 hours

There are those 25 minutes before my workday begins that I either drive in silence, or blare the radio and jam out to pop hits priming myself for the unexpected hours ahead. When the music is loud, and the tempo is upbeat, it transports me back to bein…

Senator Walsh: Thank you for uniting us

Senator Walsh … thank you. Because of your flagrant words against some of the hardest-working members of our medical community, we have united to stand against you and rally for our “card-playing” nurses. Like most of my medical famil…

Our work goes beyond the hospital

There is a species of jellyfish that exists only in one lake on this entire planet.  Every morning, before the sun rises, these jellyfish travel to the surface of the lake so that algae that live within them can photosynthesize and produce glucose for …

How often did doctors treat you with courtesy and respect? 

During this hospital stay, how often did doctors treat you with courtesy and respect?   Seriously?  Why is this question even necessary?  Obviously, because it doesn’t always happen.  Well, that’s interesting.  Maybe interesting isn’t the word.  Maybe …

Seeing the effects of the opioid crisis play out live

Recently, I was at a health care facility in a semi-urban region, less than 100 miles from a major metro. It had a whiff of industry from good times that have long drifted by. I tried to locate a Starbucks. Google Maps spotted one and took me towards t…

How one woman prevented a pharmaceutical disaster

An excerpt from Frankie: How One Woman Prevented a Pharmaceutical Disaster. Between September 1960 and November 1961, when the news broke around the world about thalidomide’s responsibility for the birth of deformed babies, Dr. Frances Kelsey — F…

How a physician keynote can highlight your conference

Thank you to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists for the honor of keynoting AACE 2019 this weekend. The picture above was the Q&A session in the exhibit hall after the keynote. As you can see, there continues to be tremendous phys…

The eyes are a window to the brain

Nothing quite catches our collective attention like clear and dire issues that need solutions and traumatic brain injuries (TBI), the leading cause of death and disability across all population demographics, are no exception. More and more research is …

It’s time we take physician satisfaction seriously

There are a lot of unhappy physicians in a lot of bad situations. I know because I write for them, and they write to me. The thing is, we deal with patient satisfaction all day long. Why not work harder on physician satisfaction? I want my colleagues t…

Pause before writing your personal statement

Trust me: The time you spend thinking about your personal statement before you start writing will make the actual writing process much, much easier. Before you even start writing a word, spend some time reading personal statement examples. Read good on…