Category: KevinMD

What physicians can learn from anthropologists

Since the passing of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act in 2009, it has been said that health tech would dramatically revolutionize health care and the patient experience. Advocates have claimed time and tim…

Physicians should talk about the F word: fertility

My fertility journey is not typical. I have not spent years “trying.” In fact, I have spent years trying not to get pregnant! My husband has two daughters — and a vasectomy, so getting pregnant was a known challenge. Luckily, I like challenges. We went…

Refusing to walk past the old sexist standards in medicine

When I was a third-year medical student in 2006, I was assigned to spend the day at a well-known women’s health clinic in Toronto. I walked into the procedure room and introduced myself to the attending. His first words to me were: “Are you married?” I…

America’s inadequate LGBTQ medical education

As medical students, we are asked to learn in exquisite detail the ins and outs of rare diseases that we may never encounter in clinical practice. Yet the education we receive on caring for a population numbering in the millions is sorely lacking, and …

Non-medical transportation for postpartum moms is a necessity

This past June, California’s Department of Healthcare Services went live with the implementation of its non-medical transportation (NMT) benefit. NMT is described by the National Health Law Program as “transportation provided to access medically necess…

Do physicians have a right to be forgotten?

When we all lived in villages, knowing individual merchants allowed you to identify and avoid the cheats. As we urbanized, brand names became the reputational marker. But when you are dealing on the internet, where no one “knows you’re a dog,” what gua…

5 steps clinicians can take to get back to their patients

This article is sponsored by Careers by According to the 2018 Medscape National Physician Burnout Report, 42 percent of physicians are burned out. Of the doctors in that group, 56 percent place the blame squarely on the plethora of tasks t…

MKSAP: 81-year-old woman with headaches, redness of the face, and itching

Test your medicine knowledge with the MKSAP challenge, in partnership with the American College of Physicians. An 81-year-old woman is evaluated for a 1-year history of headaches, redness of the face, and itching. She indicates being otherwise capable …

5 tips for interns tackling a busy schedule

The rotations on adult medicine and critical care are probably the most challenging ones for the residents doing internal medicine residency. No matter how much we try, we tend to feel overwhelmed, fatigued and swamped sometimes. As we progress into re…

Inappropriate antibiotics are the new drugs of abuse

In my clinical practice, I have encountered patient aggression typically with narcotic medications, in particular with the refusal of a refill due to evidence of concerning behavior, like a positive drug screen for drugs not prescribed. Aggressive beha…