Category: KevinMD

What my first patient in medical school taught me

September 2015, a few weeks into my first year of medical school. Mr. Smith (John) (identifying information and event details altered to protect confidentiality) wore an orange jumpsuit with the letters “COUNTY JAIL” running down his right …

What to know before moving for a health care job

This article is sponsored by Careers by How satisfied are you in your current health care position? According to the Conference Board, a global, independent business membership and research organization, only 51 percent of employees report…

MKSAP: 60-year-old man with a variable 2-hour postprandial blood glucose

Test your medicine knowledge with the MKSAP challenge, in partnership with the American College of Physicians. A 60-year-old man variable 2-hour postprandial blood glucose is evaluated during a routine follow-up examination. He has type 2 diabetes mell…

MKSAP: 60-year-old man with a variable 2-hour postprandial blood glucose

Test your medicine knowledge with the MKSAP challenge, in partnership with the American College of Physicians. A 60-year-old man variable 2-hour postprandial blood glucose is evaluated during a routine follow-up examination. He has type 2 diabetes mell…

The rewards of being a designated airman medical examiner

For the last 25 years, I have had the privilege of being a designated airman medical examiner by the Federal Aviation Administration. To earn that privilege, it required flying to FAA headquarters and taking a one-week training course followed by refre…

Is shared decision-making applicable to only a minuscule fraction of encounters?

I recently attended a cardiology conference where a speaker proudly presented a case of shared decision-making.  It involved a young female athlete who had survived a cardiac arrest and was diagnosed as having an anomaly in her heart conduction system,…

A physician mother and how her heart shattered

My heart broke a little this week. When you want to grow a muscle, you have to damage it first. You have to lift something heavy and overextend it. It’s sore for a few days — and then it grows stronger. That is what happened to my heart. My oldes…

Keeping up with the rapid developments in mobile health technology

I had the opportunity to participate in a day-long meeting sponsored by the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS). The goal was to help HRS develop recommendations for physicians and industry on providing patients access to information generated by wearable and i…

We can empower patients by validating their perceptions

I am a mother. A wife. A daughter. A sister. A friend. I am a doctor. I am a runner.  Just like everyone, there are many pieces to my core identity. These are the traits that encompass the fixed view I hold of myself.  These ring true for me, even when…

Diagnosed with prostate cancer? You must ask these 10 questions.

Prostate cancer often presents unique challenges to patients and physicians alike. It can be indolent and non-aggressive — or life-threatening and everything in between. Unlike most cancers that have a dedicated roadmap for treatment for prostate cance…