Category: KevinMD

Chill out. Doctor’s orders.

You need to chill out. Seriously. Doctor’s orders. Research has long established a link between anxiety and health issues as grave as cancer and heart disease. In today’s world, stressors are everywhere. But thankfully, so are the antidotes to stress. …

The pitfalls and opportunities of rural health care

My medical school is located in Harrogate, Tennessee, a town of 4,000. That’s considered rural. My residency is located in Casper, Wyoming, a city of 60,000. There were some community attendings there that considered that rural. I live and practi…

What a kitten taught me about critical care

I recently read an article entitled “The family said, ‘Do everything.’” It described the case of an elderly patient at the end-stage of life. The article concluded that “If your loved one has reached an end-stage of life, do the right thing. Let them d…

Physician Speaking by KevinMD: Dr. David Geier

Physician Speaking by KevinMD is a boutique speakers bureau founded by Kevin Pho, MD. Today’s spotlight physician speaker is Dr. David Geier. David Geier, MD is a double-board certified orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist in Charles…

Here’s what the corporatization of medicine is doing

Have you ever been to a doctor’s office and felt that your evaluation was rushed? Have you been seen in the emergency room and felt that you were just a number in a long series of patients? Have you ever seen the same doctor for years and felt like the…

The loss a physician feels after partial retirement

Retirement, or half retirement in my case, is a major life change.  Transitioning from the accumulation phase, to the maintenance stage, and eventually to the deaccumulation phase can be daunting.  These transitions are accompanied by a series of losse…

The recent fish oil and vitamin D studies: Go beyond the headlines

Results of a much-anticipated trial on fish oil and vitamin D generated conflicting headlines recently. Some stories declared good news about the popular supplements. Reuters wrote that fish oil “can dramatically reduce the odds of a heart attack while…

How to reduce burnout in emergency medicine

This article is sponsored by Careers by As rewarding as working in emergency medicine can be, it also comes with some significant potential downsides. According to some recent studies, stress and burnout rates in the emergency room are som…

MKSAP: 58-year-old woman with left lower abdominal discomfort

Test your medicine knowledge with the MKSAP challenge, in partnership with the American College of Physicians. A 58-year-old woman is evaluated in the emergency department for a 2-day history of left lower abdominal discomfort. The pain began insidious…

American anti-intellectualism and its impact on physicians

For several years now, I’ve been the social media curmudgeon in medicine. In a 2011 New York Times op-ed titled “Don’t Quit This Day Job”, I argued that working part-time or leaving medicine goes against our obligation to patients and to the American t…