Category: KevinMD

Uncovering health care’s true challenges: beyond doctor-patient dynamics

There are frequent accusations against physicians and other health care professionals regarding their behavior and/or education: they cannot communicate, are misogynist, racist, and ageist, and are poorly educated, despite American physicians training …

The dichotomy of patient health literacy

“You sure know a lot about your condition.” Many patients with long-term illnesses have heard this. When it comes from a medical professional, it’s never a compliment. It’s a statement that is usually, at best, laced with disapp…

Healing together: patient and physician well-being [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join Kim Downey, a physical therapist, and Anthony Avellino, a pediatric neurosurgeon and author of Finding Purpose: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey of Hope and Healing, as they …

Gender bias is pervasive within state medical board official documents and websites

“Each licensee shall furnish the board his current address.” “When a practitioner is closing, selling or relocating his practice, he shall meet the requirements …“. “The practitioner shall retain in his records.” Whe…

5 strategies for private practice success in 2024

It is not news that private practices are struggling to thrive. Challenges such as decreasing reimbursements, higher cost of service delivery, attracting and retaining great staff, and increasing administrative burden are closing practices daily. While…

Honoring humanity: lessons from a medical encounter

At the heart of medicine lies humanity. This narrative documents a personal story where I felt deeply connected to this principle as a first-year medical student. I felt nervous and unsure as I was about to practice medical interviewing with a standard…

Navigating Match Day emotions [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join Amna Shabbir, an internal medicine physician, as we delve into the complex emotions surrounding Match Day outcomes. We explore strategies for navigating feelings of r…

Growing up with diabetes

An excerpt from Sugar Free. “What do you want to do?” Ginny said. “Chinese jump rope.” “Tilly, you always want to play Chinese jump rope,” Renée said. “So?” Tilly said. Renée didn’t have an answer t…

Revolutionizing medicine with AlphaFold 3: the new frontier in biomedical research

AlphaFold Three is a monumental leap forward in biomedical research and drug discovery, signaling a new era where artificial intelligence (AI) merges seamlessly with molecular biology to unlock mysteries that have long eluded scientists. Developed by G…

Why you should take a closer look at occupational and environmental medicine

Burnout and satisfaction are major issues for the physician workforce in the United States. Many feel trapped working in a specialty in which they are unhappy. For most practicing physicians, however, there are few realistic options to make a major car…