How much we micromanage our lives is dependent upon our compulsivity and how many goals that we set in life. Medicine is a profession that attracts some of the most goal-driven people I have ever met. There are egos, obsessions, intelligence, and diligence all packaged into one unit. This is simply overwhelming. Fortunately, these habits […]
Category: KevinMD
Medicine has jumped the shark
As I explained to my medical student this morning that I was ordering an ultrasound on a patient first because the insurance company wouldn’t authorize a CT scan without it, it occurred to me that medicine derailed from its true purpose. Shortly later, I found myself again pointing out why I was prescribing a certain […]
Will artificial intelligence ever replace doctors?
Increasingly, we see functions executed by machines that were formerly performed by living breathing human beings. Examples range from the mundane to the preternatural. Order food and drink from an iPad. No server needed. Driverless auto travel. This may lead to a resurgence in prayer. Pilotless air travel. Hard times ahead for the Airline Pilots […]
Real doctoring means mitigating the fear patients have
It’s been said in the world of business that people only buy two things: good feelings and solutions to problems. In medicine, the single most important factor that brings patients through our doors isn’t a “toward” kind of desire, but an “away” one — away from feeling bad. More specifically, it is pain and fear […]
It’s really hard to make money in the stock market
No, I’m not saying that the process of investing in index funds is difficult. In fact, it’s actually quite simple to build a diversified index portfolio, whether your money is invested at Vanguard, Fidelity, Schwab, or Etrade. What makes investing in the stock market so difficult is tolerating its high volatility. Many investors are unable to stick with the […]
It’s really hard to make money in the stock market
No, I’m not saying that the process of investing in index funds is difficult. In fact, it’s actually quite simple to build a diversified index portfolio, whether your money is invested at Vanguard, Fidelity, Schwab, or Etrade. What makes investing in the stock market so difficult is tolerating its high volatility. Many investors are unable to stick with the […]
Tips to help you afford medications
A doctor writes prescription, pharmacist fills prescription, insurance covers prescription. Simple, right? But that’s not the way it works anymore. Some changes are good. Gone are the cryptic abbreviations and illegible handwriting — replaced by computer printed scripts, or better yet scripts magically transmitted via the ether. But along with fewer errors there’s even less transparency on pricing […]
How to make the most of rushed physician visits
Physicians everywhere are having to deal with ever-shrinking time slots with their patients. Every doctor (or nurse) would love to have more time if possible, and it’s probably one the biggest frontline frustrations for any clinician who wants to do a good job. Time to go over the history in more detail, examine the patient […]
The EHR is autistic
Ironically, the same electronic health records (EHRs) initially designed as a tool to help physicians diagnose diseases have largely evaded diagnostic scrutiny. Talk to physicians who utilize them on a daily basis, however, and it becomes abundantly clear that today’s EHRs are ailing. They are adding hours to the physicians’ workday, siphoning attention from patient […]
Our health system is a sick system
Unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, overeating, or lack of exercise lead to chronic health conditions, and many patients wanting to make positive changes to their health may seek the advice of their doctor to do so. But our insurance payment system works against supporting people when they want to act in a healthy way, and […]