I was recently doing some home shopping in Target. It was peak time and fairly busy. After I was done, I walked towards the front of the store and approached the counter area to pay. But alas, there appeared to be hardly any manned registers. Lots of people were strolling up and down, trying to […]
Category: KevinMD
Never underestimate the power of a smile
He was a young patient with AIDS and Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PJP). Maybe that should have scared me from the start, but it didn’t. In hindsight, I keep wondering when the fear really set in. But downstairs under the glaring lights and the swooshing bustle in the ER, I only remember that he looked slightly […]
Who named our bones? And what were they thinking?
All of our 200+ bones have names, which facilitates describing them when we cannot actually hold them or point directly at them. It might be easier to remember the names if they were familiar ones like Robert, Sally, and Kevin, but no such luck. Latin was the original language of science, so the bones received […]
MKSAP: 70-year-old man with heartburn
Test your medicine knowledge with the MKSAP challenge, in partnership with the American College of Physicians. A 70-year-old man is evaluated in follow-up for heartburn of 7 years’ duration. He has frequent nocturnal reflux but has not had odynophagia or dysphagia, and his weight has been stable. He was recently started on once-daily omeprazole with good control […]
Not all depression is alike. Here are the differences.
Adapted from Understanding Antidepressants. In his often-quoted beginning of Anna Karenina, Tolstoy wrote, “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” If we stretch this notion a little — going from families to individuals, and from unhappiness to depression — we come up with an interesting question, which is […]
Tips to manage chronic pain on summer vacation
A guest column by the American Society of Anesthesiologists, exclusive to KevinMD.com. It’s officially that time of year. Summer is in full-swing, and all of America is getting ready to take a much-needed holiday. However, some Americans, particularly those who suffer from chronic pain, often dread getting away. They are afraid their chronic pain might prevent them […]
Burnout in the male physician
When I first started writing and speaking about physician burnout, I focused most of my efforts on the female physician — after all, most of my work stems from personal anecdotes, and I am of course a female physician. I could probably give a talk about women physicians and burnout in my sleep at this […]
How a physician found success and fulfillment living outside the box
An excerpt from the Docs Outside the Box podcast, episode 2: How a physician found success and fulfillment living outside the box Dr. Nii: I have an exciting guest that I want to showcase for you. Her name is Dr. Melanie Watkins. She’s a psychiatrist who’s practicing in California. I’ve been following Melanie for quite some […]