Category: KevinMD

The cost of ineffective technology: Why your practice’s tech stack may be contributing to employee burnout and high turnover rates

A recent survey by the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) revealed that 75 percent of medical group owners report that work-related stress levels have increased this year. A previous MGMA poll found that nearly 30 percent of medical groups had…

Repaving your path: How clinicians can prevent burnout by embracing core values

Don’t blame others for the burned-out road you are on: It is your own “Ass-Phalt.” OK. I know that sounds harsh. We, physicians and other clinicians suffer under the demands of irrelevant EMR guidelines, insensitive hospital administr…

5 lessons for a better life: observations from a front row seat for the highs and lows

Recently, I had the privilege of being shadowed by a medical student who is interested in becoming a pediatric critical care medicine physician like I am. On the day she came to observe me, we were navigating a busy and heartbreaking time in the pediat…

The adverse labor and delivery experiences faced by Black women

Women of color, particularly Black women, encounter distinct challenges during pregnancy and childbirth. This results in disproportionately adverse outcomes such as invasive treatments, infant mortality, severe complications, and even death experienced…

How compassion can fix the health care system [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join Drew Remignanti, an emergency physician, as we delve into the intersection of compassion, health care, and spirituality. Explore the vital role of compassion in medic…

Why doctors rely on nurses more than you think

I think we spend more working hours with nurses than with any other colleagues. They not only solve the problems of the patients, but most of the time, they even know more than doctors about the progress of every patient. I really rely on their assessm…

Black maternal mortality crisis: Preventable deaths demand action

The racial and ethnic divide within health care remains largely unaddressed. One aspect I wish to highlight is the impact of mortality rates after childbirth, particularly among African American women. They face the highest mortality rates postpartum, …

Black maternal mortality crisis: Preventable deaths demand action

The racial and ethnic divide within health care remains largely unaddressed. One aspect I wish to highlight is the impact of mortality rates after childbirth, particularly among African American women. They face the highest mortality rates postpartum, …

Physician burnout: We’re partly to blame, here’s how to fix it

From the heart of one doctor to another, let’s address the evil spirit haunting our halls: burnout. It has become the unwelcome companion of many physicians, including myself, who frequently lament our moral injuries and the mistreatment that see…

Physician burnout: We’re partly to blame, here’s how to fix it

From the heart of one doctor to another, let’s address the evil spirit haunting our halls: burnout. It has become the unwelcome companion of many physicians, including myself, who frequently lament our moral injuries and the mistreatment that see…