Category: KevinMD

If surgery is so precise, why are we leaving outcomes up to chance?

It is well known that today there is significant variability in surgical outcomes – not only in different parts of the world, but even within the hospital. And, little understanding as to why. While video is becoming a key component of surgery, u…

Sunbeams of hope: one woman’s journey to heal and dream

An excerpt from Push, Then Breathe: Trauma, Triumph, and the Making of an American Doctor. Suzette purred and slid her soft body across my shins as I sat in the shade of the oak tree, a book splayed open on my belly and my eyes closed. I breathed deepl…

Achieving internal balance and overcoming depression [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! We sit down with clinical psychologist Faust Ruggiero to delve into the transformative insights from his book, The Fix Your Depression Handbook. Faust offers practical gui…

Inside the mind of Alzheimer’s: a caregiver’s haunting nightmare

An excerpt from Releasing the Butterfly: A Love Affair in Four Acts. Imagine there must be thousands, if not millions, of family members and caregivers who wonder what it must be like to be the one who has Alzheimer’s. Genie and I have always sha…

Ultrasound shows promise as new pain treatment, targeting a specific brain region

A recent study published in PhysicsWorld documented a possible new treatment for pain. Something most physicians would be surprised to hear. Ultrasound. That’s right, low-frequency ultrasound waves, when directed to a specific area of the brain c…

Reconsidering love: a multifaceted approach to marriage

Over the years, I’ve fervently professed my love to my wife of 18 years, believing her to be the most beautiful soul in my life and our bond unbreakable. While this holds true, recent experiences have prompted me to reconsider the notion that lov…

Inside the heart of a hospital: love, loss, and resilience

“Airports have seen more sincere kisses than wedding halls and the walls of hospitals have heard more prayers than the walls of churches.” – Anonymous It’s 1 a.m. in the night. I am on call duty, which starts at 8:30 a.m. in the morni…

Claiming and managing doctor listings: Avoid patient loss after job change [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! We sit down with Marita McCahill, founder of a consulting firm specializing in health care growth strategy. We delve into the importance of managing your online presence a…

Why you (and your patients) should have a mindfulness practice

Nobody can question the fact that the world has a mental health problem. Nowhere is this more pronounced than in the medical health profession. American Medical Association statistics show that in 2021, physician burnout rates were 63 percent, which wa…

Integrated coaching for medical residents

Residency program directors and preceptors are responsible for shaping the next wave of medical professionals. Beyond ensuring adequate clinical training, they must equip future doctors with the skills to navigate the complexities of modern medicine. C…