Category: KevinMD

Reclaiming joy in health care: Taking control amidst systemic challenges

The American Medical Association recently reported a decline in physician burnout rates, which is fantastic news. Decreasing burnout means happier doctors, improved patient care, and healthier relationships with family and friends. Yet, even with this …

The surprising struggles of retirement no one warned you about

It took me forever to retire—three years or so. It took so long that my nurses got tired of bringing me purple cakes decorated with whipped cream stethoscopes, but I did it. Now, a few years later, I can tell you that the things I worried about were no…

Fall prevention in hospitals: How technology can save lives [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! We dive into the persistent challenge of fall prevention in hospitals with our guest, Christine Gall, a nurse executive. Despite advancements in patient safety, falls rema…

A lack of specialized care continues to shortchange Medicaid moms who face the greatest threat from the maternal mental health crisis

In the shadow of America’s maternal health crisis, Medicaid mothers are fighting an uphill battle against systemic neglect. Many of these mothers are facing a cruel reality: the more they need help, the harder it is to get. It is far from uncommo…

Why EHRs are ruining health care: a doctor’s shocking truth

Here it is … an epic post about EHRs. I’ve been waiting for years to write this. Literally, years. Ever since 2014, when I was required to attend 30+ hours of unpaid training for this new EHR, I knew this post would be written. I did have the opt…

How social media shaming is hurting future doctors [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! We sit down with anesthesiologist Jonathan Cohen to explore the impact of social media on the medical learning environment. Recent posts by senior physicians have sparked …

Save the economy: Choose a surgery center for your procedure

“In this short Life That only lasts an hour How much – how little – is Within our power.” —Emily Dickinson Health care around the world faces an existential crisis. While the quality of medicine continues to improve, its cost re…

Stop using “whole person care” if you are not assessing and providing whole person care

The latest term hitting the health care benefit, insurance company, and point solution ecosystem is “whole person care.” This term is beginning to be used as a marketing buzzword and is losing its meaning. What is the definition of whole pe…

The shocking fall of a respected ICU nurse

In the ICU, there was an experienced nurse. She was full of information and knew the policies and procedures inside and out. She was proficient in her role as an ICU nurse. But she was flawed. Something was wrong. Each day, she came to work wearing a g…

Don’t let the SECURE Act devastate your legacy [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! We sit down with Freddie Rappina, a financial advisor, chartered financial consultant, and accredited investment fiduciary, to explore how the SECURE Act and SECURE Act 2….