Category: KevinMD

Transforming public health: a physician’s innovative approach [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join us for an insightful conversation with nephrologist and physician executive, David W. Moskowitz, as he shares his transformative views on the U.S. health care system….

Self-governance in the medical profession and medical malpractice

Fundamental in a medical malpractice lawsuit is determining whether an unfortunate outcome is an error of nature or a medical error. An error of nature results from a medical intervention that aligns with the standard of care. A medical error, on the o…

How my father taught me the true meaning of generosity

I enjoy buying gifts for people I adore. It’s my love language. I enjoy seeing the smile, joy, or surprise in the eyes of those who receive my gifts. I live for these moments. There were times when people did not express how much they appreciated…

Why doctors increasingly turn away from rural clinical practice

It was recently reported that barely 10 percent of U.S. doctors work in rural health care. That number is continuing to shrink, while over 20 percent of the U.S. population lives in rural areas, and more than 80 percent of rural Americans are considere…

How social prescribing is redefining patient care [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join us for an enlightening conversation with Julia Hotz, journalist and author of The Connection Cure: The Prescriptive Power of Movement, Nature, Art, Service, and Belon…

The unspoken grief of doctors: How losing a patient changes them forever

I didn’t know when I placed my stethoscope on your chest, listening, that I was listening for the last time. I didn’t know that you said, “when the doctor sees me, I will be fine.” I wish I had held you longer. If I had known it…

Did Step 1’s pass/fail switch actually increase medical student burnout?

In January 2022, the medical school curriculum underwent a transformative shift when Step 1, the first of three licensing exams for U.S. medical students, switched from numerical score to a pass/fail (P/F) grading system. Now, with several years of per…

How lifestyle choices today could impact your future family’s fertility [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Epigenetics is transforming our understanding of fertility. In this episode, fertility specialist Dr. Oluyemisi (Yemi) Famuyiwa joins us to explore how lifestyle factors l…

Resilient heart: a journey through medicine and life

Prologue: a life forged in resilience If you had asked me in the early days of my life where I thought I would end up, my answer would have been straightforward—a career in medicine like my mother, a family of my own, and perhaps a path well-traveled. …

Is the Goldwater Rule hindering us?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will likely be the next Secretary of Health and Human Services. He has said things that are not true about vaccines, autism, raw milk, and more that we do not have to list here. Furthermore, I do not want to waste time with facts …