Category: KevinMD

7 proven strategies to conquer board exam anxiety for physicians

“If you’re going through hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill This quote comes to mind when I look back at board prep and all the times I sat for those inhumanely long exams. You might be an early-career physician in the midst of pr…

How I overcame the challenges of ADHD parenting: a physician’s story [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! We sit down with family physician Emma Hostetter, who shares her deeply personal journey navigating the challenges of parenting a neurodivergent child with ADHD. Emma open…

The secrets of physician signing bonuses

When a physician signs on at a new hospital, a signing bonus is often included in the compensation package. This bonus can range from a small perk to a significant percentage of income, and its structure can be either straightforward or confusing. The …

The continued unjust prosecution of physicians

As the crescendo of a seven-year alleged health care fraud investigation, the trial in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania opened in late April 2024. The trial is one of less than two percent of the federal criminal cases filed that ultimately end up …

Make “someday” happen: the years of living dangerously

Bring adventure, mental and physical challenge, change, and calculated risk-taking into your life. I made “someday” happen. You can too. “Someday” it may be too late. Somewhere, sometime, “someday” slips into our liv…

The dual demands of a PICU physician

A physician in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) requires vast medical knowledge along with emotional resilience. I always thought I had a strong sense of compassion for my patients and their families until I had my own baby 1.5 years ago. It co…

People-pleasing is exhausting: my journey to self-care and boundaries [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! We sit down with Laura Suttin, a family physician, to explore the emotional complexities of setting boundaries, especially in times of personal and professional pressure. …

Climate change is exacerbating diseases in vulnerable populations in America and abroad

As climate change advances, it has amplified a variety of diseases globally, especially in under-resourced countries and communities. This article summarizes three of these consequential trends. The first is that wildfires and industrial pollution are …

If these words can save a life, they must be spoken

When people don’t understand the depths of hell the brain can take someone to, I am relieved for them. And I am also grateful for the journey I’ve been on—I would never have understood how someone who appeared “successful” on pa…

How a friend’s kindness saved me from my darkest hour

An excerpt from The Problem with Men. Gary could tell something was wrong the moment he saw me. “Come in, friend,” he said, his voice gentle. He guided me into the kitchen, a cozy, older space similar to the one in my apartment across the street,…