Category: KevinMD

Why endocrinologists need to rethink CME: the secret to a healthier conference

As endocrinologists, we spend our days balancing hormones and fine-tuning metabolism, but when it comes to our own continuing medical education (CME) conferences, it seems our ability to maintain equilibrium goes out the window. We advocate for healthy…

What my patients taught me about faith

When I was a teenager, I worked summer nights at the Funtown Amusement Park on the south side of Atlanta, Georgia. After work, as I drove home to the north side of Atlanta, I had to pass through “Cabbagetown.” In the early 1960s, during the…

How seniors can reverse muscle loss and belly fat

As a retired physician, I notice many seniors become skinny and weak due to muscle loss yet have big bellies as fat accumulates. They are less strong, less vibrant, and prone to falls and chronic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, and cognitive de…

What medicine never taught me about parenting a child with ADHD

Once again, I found myself balled up on the kitchen floor, head between my knees, sobbing. My shoulders shook, and my chest heaved as I gasped for air, but air wouldn’t be enough. What I was truly gasping for was hope, something that had eluded m…

Has COVID-19 changed the way oncologists talk about cancer?

War metaphors in oncology are controversial, to say the least. For some patients with cancer, the idea that they are “cancer warriors” in a “battle” with their disease is inspiring. Using such language gives them a sense of agen…

Is big business controlling your surgeon’s decisions? [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! In this episode, we sit down with vascular surgeon Adam Tanious to explore the complex relationship between “big business” and modern medicine. Drawing from hi…

Why diversity in sports medicine is the key to better patient care

The field of sports medicine is steadily growing, highlighting the imperative for a more inclusive workforce. There has been a notable rise in female athletes at all levels of sports. The success of U.S. female athletes at this summer’s Paris Oly…

The hidden estate tax: How the SECURE Act could impact your heirs

When planning for retirement, most of us focus on building a nest egg that will support us in our golden years. We diligently contribute to our 401(k)s, IRAs, and other retirement accounts, hoping to maximize our savings and minimize our tax burden. Ho…

How a doctor with cerebral palsy defied the odds and transformed health care

About midway through my pediatric residency program at a well-known children’s hospital on the East Coast in the mid-1990s, I found out what was wrong with me. I told the chief of the pediatric emergency department, a Jewish woman, that I had fin…

When technology merges with humanity

An excerpt from Nephilim. “Those eggs really hit the spot, right?” “I’d love some more,” he answered. “Sure,” Zdenek responded. “One or two?” “How many do we have?” Before long, James had wolfed dow…