Category: primary care

Policymakers: Put down your carrots and sticks. They will not work.

As a family physician in the trenches, I routinely see blatantly poor medical care in the history of my new patients. Far too many people get unwarranted medications and tests, while important things go unrecognized or unaddressed. This paradox is madd…

It is time for physicians to reclaim the power of touch

I have three kids — all with very different temperaments and different personalities. Sometimes I use the term superpower to identify and cultivate their strengths and greatest attributes. I have always believed that my superpower is connection. It is …

What caring for 6 generations can teach new doctors

“Hi, Doctor Kamajian! I finally got health insurance that I can use to come to see you with my son.” I looked at the chart and realized it had been three years since I had seen her very familiar face. So, before the exam, we chatted and got reacq…

6 essential tips (and more) that I never learned in medical school

1. Cover your patients It was my first year of practice. One day I saw a new patient, a 25-year-old man with hemorrhoidal pain. My nurse told him to disrobe and put on a lap sheet. When I entered the room, I was surprised to see that the young man was …

How Big Medicine is hurting patients and putting small practices out of business

Recently the CEO of a large health care network stated: “Market forces don’t apply to health care.” Of course, economic and political forces apply to health care.  Big Medicine’s most powerful entities (insurers, hospitals, medical schools, pharmaceuti…

A physician’s secret to restore joy in the exam room

As someone who has been in the medical field for nearly ten years, I have had the opportunity to follow many physicians. I started off shadowing physicians, standing behind them as they would speak to patients in their rooms. Now, as a resident physici…

The patient-clinician relationship matters. To all of us.

“The patient-clinician relationship is dead.” Those of us in health care hear this refrain constantly these days, coming at us from all angles. We feel it in the wall that goes up when we turn from our patients to our computer screens. We infer it in a…

Physician heal thyself. At your own risk.

My late father often repeated the adage, “Any man who serves as his own lawyer has a fool for a client.” We physicians may not represent ourselves in court, but we often try to treat ourselves or neglect our own medical care — and end up with a fool fo…

What’s happened to clinician empathy?

In 2006, the Mayo Clinic asked 192 patients an important question: What makes an ideal physician? From their responses, several characteristics emerged. Among the top criteria, they wanted doctors to be “personal,” “empathetic” and “humane.” This shoul…

What’s happened to clinician empathy?

In 2006, the Mayo Clinic asked 192 patients an important question: What makes an ideal physician? From their responses, several characteristics emerged. Among the top criteria, they wanted doctors to be “personal,” “empathetic” and “humane.” This shoul…