Category: primary care

Defining my own future: a doctor’s journey through health care turmoil

I was an aspiring internist, then became an aesthetic physician, and now I am preparing to train abroad. This is the story of how I had to make life-changing decisions as a doctor to survive in this ever-changing world. In August 2020, as a fifth-year …

Rethinking time management: Finding balance in a physician’s life [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Family physician Laura Suttin discusses her KevinMD article, “An argument against time management.” In this episode, Laura explores the pressures physicians fa…

Ending physicians’ addiction to unhappiness

A large number of physicians are addicted to unhappiness. Practicing medicine is no longer fun, and they are frustrated working in an environment where they do not feel valued and appreciated. Forty percent of all physicians are looking to change their…

Why empathy is the missing piece in modern health care

As I navigate this world, I often feel overwhelmed by its harshness, making peace and harmony seem elusive. Today, the atmosphere feels particularly heavy with distrust and anger, leaving me caught in a constant “me” versus “you&#8221…

What if insurance companies were held accountable for health outcomes?

Picture this: You’re sitting in a courtroom, and the defendant in front of you is a major insurance company. The charge? Denying a life-saving claim that led to devastating consequences for someone’s health. The prosecutor stands up, looks …

To boost primary care physician pay, Congress should change funding requirements for Medicaid state-directed payments

Introduction It is no secret that the U.S. medical system fails to treat all patients equally. Those with Medicaid often lack access to the same primary care and subspecialty clinics as those with Medicare or private insurance and face longer wait time…

Strategies to reduce EHR burden for women in medicine [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Internal medicine physician and physician coach Diane W. Shannon discusses her KevinMD article, “Why women doctors spend more time on EHRs and what it means for pati…

Reviving the lost art of family history

In my medical career thus far, I’ll admit family history is something I routinely brush aside. It was never a focus in my medical school or residency training. In my primary care clinic, I spend a couple of minutes asking new patients about their…

Supporting family caregivers: insights from a rare medical crisis [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Scott Bane, senior program officer, discusses his KevinMD article, “How a family caregiver saved my life during a rare medical crisis.” He explores the challen…

Doctors, grounded in our oath, must act now more than ever

In this time of change, it seems appropriate to take a step back and reflect upon the oath we took when we graduated from medical school. Here’s the version we use at the Carle Illinois College of Medicine from the World Medical Association Decla…