Category: primary care

Unveiling the power of healing: a journey through stories [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! Join Dustin Grinnell, the author of The Healing Book. Dustin takes us on a journey through this thought-provoking collection of short stories, where characters embark on paths of self-disco…

Dressing to inspire confidence: How the clothes you wear can change perceptions

There are a lot of things that I’ve forgotten since 1984, the year I started medical school. But I will never forget the Dean of Students’ proclamation on the very first day of class: “You must dress to inspire confidence,” he t…

The superhero spectrum in health care

Strategic thinking: The Doctor Strange of health care. Health care professionals, much like Doctor Strange, often engage in complex decision-making, foreseeing multiple outcomes to choose the best path for patient care. Your ability to strategize and a…

Resilience beyond self-care [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! Join Beth Boynton, a nurse consultant, as we delve into the pressing issue of health care worker resilience. Discover the importance of empowering health care professionals, developing esse…

From timed essays to time mastery: a doctor’s journey through the power of belief

One of my most stressful high school class memories was an AP English class I took during my junior year. Each week, we had timed writings where we were given a specific amount of time to write an essay on a given topic. As soon as the timer went off, …

Lessons from treating a transgender patient

I was recently reminded that you always learn something from your patients, no matter how long your medical profession is. I was reminded of this when I had the opportunity to treat a young person in transition. I reviewed the chart before walking into…

From reluctant journaling to healing words: How writing unveiled my life’s journey

Journaling was never my thing. I would buy a pretty journal with great intentions of writing in it regularly. I would write in it daily for a week or two, then forget for a few days, and then forget about it altogether. When I started writing to proces…

Meditation: a prescription for physician well-being [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! In this episode, retired cardiologist Sarah Samaan delves into the world of meditation. We discuss the perception of meditation in health care, its benefits for physicians, and the scientif…

Why your doctor has an OnlyFans

I read an article yesterday about a teenager who became suicidal after his classmates learned that his mother had an OnlyFans account. Ironically, I have a 12-year-old son, and I had just created my own account. I shared this news with my son, and his …

Thriving, not just surviving: Cracking the formula for physician well-being

In the relentless world of health care, where long hours and high-stress situations have become the norm, finding happiness can often feel like an elusive goal for physicians. The pursuit of professional excellence and the demands of patient care can o…