Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Amelia Bueche, an osteopathic physician, discusses her KevinMD article, “This perspective will change how physicians address pain and recovery.” Amelia explore…
It was a crisp winter day where the sun shines so brightly it tricks you into thinking it’s warm until you step outside and instantly regret not grabbing your scarf—that I heard about the latest musings from our southern neighbors. The commander-…
I am Thelonius. I am five. I love mommy. I love daddy. I love God. I like Barney. I like Sesame Street. I like my toys. I am happy. I am twelve years old. I wish I was 13, because I would be a teenager. Teenagers are cool. They are able to do whatever …
It is presently fair to ask the question, do doctors participate in our society as individuals being free? If this is no longer the case, why and what are the consequences? If a doctor is employed, he answers to an employer. If there is participation w…
It was like being struck by lightning during the chorus, the recognition that Paul Simon was singing directly to me. “Medicine is magical, and magical is art,” he sang, and I turned up the radio, convinced that I was supposed to hear these …
Dr. Steven Pearce, Dr. Bruce Berger, and I had an inspiring discussion about motivational interviewing. Bruce offered specific and practical suggestions for clinicians to help patients explore their motivation for treatment adherence. Steven responded,…
Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Denise Reich shares powerful insights as a patient advocate, highlighting the importance of front desk staff, accessibility, accurate billing practices, and the impact of …
Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Susan Landers shares her heartfelt journey as a neonatologist navigating the challenges of burnout, the rewards of practicing medicine, and the complex emotions surroundin…
Journalist Te-Ping Chen wrote about the nature of a physician’s career in a recent featured article in The Wall Street Journal where older physicians criticize the younger generation as being less committed to their patients. The article is title…
Yes, I said it. Health care is a dumpster fire—a meme-worthy catastrophe of epic proportions. It’s the chaos that future comedians and historians will roast with gusto, leaving us shaking our heads in embarrassed agreement. My somewhat cynical se…